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Tracy (Koutnì) Hor k

Obituary Tracie Hor k Vinton - Services for Tracie Horak, 85, who died Tuesday night at Virginia Gay Hospital will be 10:30 AM Saturday at the Presbyterian church. Burial in Evergreen Cemetery. Suvivors include four sons. Charles of El Paso, TX, Edward of Fort Dodge, IA, Stanley of Waterloo, IA, and Lloyd of Sacramento, CA. A daughter Mrs Paul Smouse of Dallas, TX. And a sister Mrs Antone Bednar of Vinton. Campbell Funeral Home in charge.

Funeral Card

Tracy Horak 09/22/1889 - 10/29/1974 Service 11/02/1974 at Presbyterian church. Clergyman Dr. William G Jamison. Music Mrs J P Mullane. Pallbearers Harry Horak, Milton Horak, Charles Bednar, Ross Wiley, Gilbert Hansen, Freeman Banse. Buried Evergreen Cemetery Vinton, IA
Submitted on Sun Aug 9 22:15:31 1998 by
Kenneth W Bednar,

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Terry Jo (Drushal) Hor k

Joshua Ryan Hor k

Funeral Card

Wife & Child of Linn Horak Trei Jo Horak 10/04/1947 - 01/29/1973 Joshua Ryan Horak 01/11/1973 - 01/30/1973 Service 02/01/1973 Wesley United Methodist church Clergyman Dr. William G Jamison, Rev. John Cornish. Music Jerald Kabac. Casket bearers William Barthelmes, Ronald Brathelemes, Donald Applegarth, Dennis Manfull, Richard Lehman, Joh Lehman. Buried Evergreen Cemetery Vinton, IA A Campbell Service
Submitted on Sun Aug 9 23:19:24 1998 by
Kenneth W Bednar,

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