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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Timesnews; Fri, Sept 1, 1972
Robert D. Hogan dies at age 47
Robert Dale Hogan

Robert Dale Hogan, 47, died Thursday afternoon at the Virginia Gay Hospital after suffering an apparent heart attack.

He was born Feb. 23, 1925 at Iowa City, a son of Edward and Veva Carberry Hogan. He was married to Rose McGiven Kalell on Aug. 9, 1969 at Rock Island, Ill. and was employed by Perfex Co. in Vinton. He served in the Nacy in World War II. While living in Iowa City, he was active in the Little League and was the originator and manager of women's softball in Vinton. He started and managed the Vinton Boxing Club for boys 8 to 16 years of age and was a member of the Board of Directors Eastern Iowa Boxing Ass'n.

In addition to his wife, he is survived by four sons, Robert of New Mexico, Stephen of Cedar Rapids, Russell of Iowa City, and Kurt at home; his mother, Mrs. Veva Greenwood of Vinton; four grandchildren; one brother, Dick Hogan of Vinton; a half sister, Sherry of Pennsylvania. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Campbell Funeral Home, with the Rev. John Peters officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Wake service at 7:30 tonight at the funeral home.
Submitted on Feb 9, 2004 by
Barbara Krogh,

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