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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Waterloo Courier; April 9, 1917
George Washington Hileman
George Washington Hileman

George Washington Hileman, age 81, died at 12:40 p. m. yesterday at the home of his son, Harley L. Hileman, 1152 Forest avenue, after a short illness.

He was born Sept. 23, 1836 in Lancaster county, Pa., and came to Iowa as a young man after serving in the Ninety-third Illinois infantry during the civil war. He settled in Benton county, where he was engaged in farming until 1881, when he moved to Dysart. Last fall he moved to Waterloo, making his home with his son since then. He was a member of the Marshalltown post of the G. A. R.

He was preceded in death by his wife, who died 27 years ago. Surviving children are: W. E. Hileman, Dysart; Mrs. G. T. Whittman, Marshalltown; L. E. and Harley L., Waterloo. He remarried in later years and is survived by his second wife, who lives in Marshalltown.

Funeral services will be at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow from the home of the son, 1152 Forrest avenue, with Rev. F. W. Court, of First Methodist church, in charge. The body will be taken to Dysart for burial in the family plot.

{Submitter comment: Forest avenue was misspelled with 2 r's the second time it was mentioned.}

Submitted on Sep 20, 2007 by
Richard E. Hileman,

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