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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; December 14, 1951
Veteran Of First World War Died
James A. Heldenbrand

James Heldenbrand Passes Following Extend Illness

James A. Heldenbrand, 56, passed away at the Veterans hospital in Des Moines on Thursday afternoon after a lingering illness. Mr. Heldenbran was born at LeRoy, Kan., on Sept. 23, 1895, the son of Andrew and Viola Heck Heldenbrand. He came to Iowas with his parents as a small boy. On Dec. 3, 125, he was united in marriage to Jessie Beckler Ehrman, since which time they have farmed near Blairstown.

He was a member of the Methodist church and a trustee in the church for many years. Mr. Heldenbrand was a veteran of World war I having enlisted April 14, 1917, and serving until Sept. 3, 1910, when he was honorably discharged. He is a charter member of the M. J. Kirby post No. 170 of the American Legion and served as post commander on several occasions.

Surviving are his widow, a step-son, Harold Herman, five sisters, two brothers and a grandson, Allen Ehrman.

Funeral services were hold Sunday afternoon in the Evangelical United Brethern church with the Rev. A. R. Schram officiating.

Burial was in the I.O.O.F. cemetery at Marengo with the Blairstown Legion post conducting the military rites.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 11-Jan-2017 by
John Shuck,

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