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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Review; December 19, 1901

Elizabeth Heinman

Mrs. Elizabeth Heineman, died at her home southwest of town last Friday afternoon of pneumonia. The funeral was held Tuesday from Evanglical church in Homer township. Interment in cemetery near by.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Stickelmeyer and Mrs. Wm Reinke, of Larwood and Mr. C. Heinman, of Alexander, S.D. came in Saturday to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Heinman.

C. Hineman drove a young horse to town Monday and he went to untie the animal it became frightened and dashed away with the buggy. The vehicle was soon overturned and smashed to smithereeens. The horse was captured before he left the buggy very far behind.

{Submitter comment: Cemetery record say age 71 years, 9 months, 28 days The last 2 paragraphs are listed in the same news item as her death }

Submitted on 22-Jan-2013 by
Martha Long,

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