Funeral Today At Shellsburg Baptist Church
Ellis Heathman
Benton County News
Special in Daily Times
Shellsburg, Oct 24-The funeral of Ellis Heathman, 66 years old, whose death occurred Saturday from cancer at the Iowa City bospital, was held here this afternoon at the Baptist church. Interment in Shellsburg cemetery. For a number of years deceased had been blind. He was taken to the university hospital recently for treatment. The widow and one son survive.
Rites Tuesday for Mrs. Lura Heathman
Lura Stiver Heathman
Shellsburg-Mrs. Lura Stiver Heathman, 94, died early Saturday morning at the Virginia Gay Hospital in Vinton where she had been a patient since Dec. 31.
She was born March 14, 1880 at Shellsburg, a daughter of Balthasar and Lucinda Smeyers Stiver. She graduated from Shellsburg High School and Tilford Academy and taught in rural schools in Benton County. She was married Jan. 8, 1904 at Shellsburg to Tom Heathman.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the White-Phillips Funeral Home with the Rev. James Gordon officiating, and burial in Oakwood Cemetery.
A memorial fund has been established for the Retarded Children fund.. Friends may call at the White-Phillips Funeral Home in Vinton.
Times; March 14, 1966
T.J.Heathman, Shellsburg, Dies
T. J. Heathman, Shellsburg, Dies Shellsburg-Thomas J. Heathman, 90 died Saturday morning at the Benton nursing home. Death was due to complications of advanced age.
He was born Sept. 19, 1875, at Leesburg. Mo., a son of Dudley and Dianea Hendron Heathman. Surviving is one nephew Earl Heathman of Shellsburg.
Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Fry and Holland funeral home with Rev. C Donald Thrash officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.
Friends may call at the Fry and Holland funeral home.
{Submitter comment: Clipping by Martha Long }
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