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Waterloo Courier; Unknown
Arthur Haymaker Dies.
Arthur Haymaker

Arthur Haymaker, long time employee of Jake & Bills Clothier, Waterloo, dies. Wife Bernice Cahill Haymaker. Daughter, Beverly Haymaker Koch. Son of Michael S. and Sarah Harrison Haymaker. Born in Benton Co. attended Vinton schools. Preceeded in death by parents, two sisters, two brothers. Survived by wife, daughter, and a sister, Mrs. Bert (Lola) Farwell, Vinton, IA.

Additional information provided by submitter:
b. 1904 Harrison Twp. Benton Co. IA
d. 6 June 1959 Waterloo, Black Hawk Co. IA
bu. Calvary Cem. Waterloo, Black Hawk Co. IA
m. Bernice Cahill

{Submitter comment: I am looking for an obituary on this man who was my Uncle, a brother to my mother. I need dates and genealogy data.}
Submitted on May 6, 1999 by Glen W. Pardun

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Cedar Valley Times;
George W. Haymaker

The death of George W. Haymaker, 59 years old, resident of Taylor township thirty years, occurred last night at the family home five miles northeast of Vinton. Mr. Haymaker was afflicted with cancer of the liver. He had been bedfast six weeks. Recently the patient had trouble with his teeth, and last week several teeth were extracted. Severe hemorrhages followed the pulling of his teeth and greatly weakened his condition.

Funeral will be held Tuesday at 1:20 p. m. from the Primmer rural church. Interment in the Cox cemetery.

Mr. Haymaker was born March 17, 1867, in Indiana. He was a son of Samuel and Nancy Haymaker. Surviving are his widow and one daughter, Miss Amy, who lives at home.

Submitted on May 25, 2007 by Volunteer

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Vinton Eagle;

Respected citizen of Benton County Dies Suddenly Monday Evening--Funeral Wednesday
Michael S. Haymaker

Michael S. Haymaker passed away at his home in Harrison township Monday evening very suddenly, of heart trouble. Mr. Haymaker came to Benton county when a young man. He leaves a large circle of friends in the neighborhood who sincerely mourn his passing. He had been for nearly eighteen years a member of the Baptist church of Vinton having joined in the year of 1889.

Deceased was born in Franklin county, Indiana, January 27, 1857, and in 1888 was married to Sarah E. Harrison, who survives him. Eight children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. He leaves one brother and one sister.

Funeral services were held at Prairie Creek church Wednesday morning at 10:30 conducted by Rev. E. M. Pardee. Interment at Cox's cemetery, near [the rest of the article is missing]

{Submitter comment: The two obituaries submitted for Michael state different birth years. The headstone has a different year than the obituaries.}

Benton County Times; April 4, 1907
One of Our Best Known Citizens Passes Away Without Moments Notice
Michael S. Haymaker

Michael Haymaker, of Harrison township, died suddenly Monday evening of heart failure. While Mr. Haymaker had not been feeling well for some time his death was a complete surprise to all. He had worked on the farm all day Monday and in the evening after finishing his chores he sat down to read the papers. At about 8 o'clock he called his wife to come as he could not get his breath. Before she could reach him he was dead. Mr. Haymaker was born in Franklin county, Indiana, in 1858. He married Sarah Harrison in 1888. Eight children were born to this union, six of whom are living. A faithful wife, one brother and one sister are also left to mourn their loss. Michael Haymaker was member of the Baptist church and of the Masonic lodge. The funeral occurred at the Prairie Creek church yesterday morning, Rev. Pardee officiating. Interment in the Cox cemetery.

Mike Haymaker was a man highly esteemed by his neighbors, always bore a splendid reputation for honesty and uprightness. In a quiet way he acted his part in life's drama and none can now say that he was not faithful.

{Submitter comment: The two obituaries submitted for Michael state different birth years. The headstone has a different year than the obituaries.}

Submitted on May 25, 2007 by Volunteer

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Unknown; 1938
Mrs. Sarah Haymaker Dies Suddenly; Burial Services on Tuesday Vinton, Benton County, Iowa
Sarah Jane Harrison Haymaker

1938 Mrs. Sarah Ellen Haymaker, 70, a cook at the Iowa School for the Blind for the last 13 years, was found dead in her room there about 10:00 a.m. Sunday by her daughter, Mrs. Bert Farwell. Mrs Haymaker had apparently been in good health earlier in the morning and her death was attributed to a sudden stroke

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hite chapel in charge of Rev. S. R. Wall. Burial will be made in Cox cemetery. Friends may call between seven and nine o'clock. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison, Mrs. Haymaker was born Nov. 6, 1868, in Taylor township

She was married almost 50 years ago to Michael Haymaker who preceded her in death by 33 years. Surviving are the following children: Mrs. Fay Pardun, Brandon; Mrs. Frank Levelle, Hazleton; William of Winterset; Mrs. Farwell, Vinton; Clarence, Brandon, and Arthur, Waterloo. She had 17 grandchildren. Two sisters, Mrs. Will Collicott, Chicago, and Mrs. Jennie Caldwell, Vinton, and two brothers, Will and Jim, both of Vinton, also survive.

{Submitter comment: Sarah was the grandniece of my GGG- grandfather William Brice Harrison. Her grandfather was James Brice Harrison, brother of William.}
Submitted on Feb 7, 2003 by
Kathie Harrison,

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