Another of Benton's Pioneers passes away Early Sunday Morning Paralysis Immediate cause of Death
Settled in Monroe Township in an Early Day--Short sketch of his life
Nathan Hayes
Nathan hayes oneof the pioneers and one of the prominent men of this county, passed away Sunday, September 4,1904.
He had been ill for some timeand had practically retired from business. Sunday morning apparently with out premonition he was stricken with paralysis and died three hours afterwards.
Mr Hayes was not only a pioneer himself but came from a pioneer family. He was born in Ross County Ohio, in 1829 and was a son of Nathan Hayes and Mary Hayes. natives of Virginia. His father was a soldier of the War of 1812. After that war they emigrated to Ohio when it was sparselly settled except by Red men. They were parents of twelve children, of whichthe deceased was the youngest. The deceased received his education in a log school house which his father and other pioneers built to supply the needs of their settlement.
Mr hayes first marriage occured in 1849. the wife maiden name being Susan Mahon. In 1856 the emigrated to this county which at that time was about as "raw" as was the country in Ohio to which his father had emigratedafter the War of 1812. Mr Hayes settled in Monroe Township and was one of the first white settlers ofd that township. He farmed till the spring of 1862when he moved to Vinton and resided there eversince. Mrs Hayes died in 1868 and he was married again in 1870 to Mary E Wence. By the first marriage there were eight childrenborn, and by the second two. several of whom are still living as well as the wife and mother. During the principle part of his lifetime in Vinton he was engaged on the milling business and "Hays Mill" was a household wordall over this part of the county. His millwas very popular because he always believed in fair dealing between man and man.
He was a man of strong convictions and was consequently radical in his views. The ruggedness of the pioneer was born and bred in him and he had but little use for that which he believed wrong. The later years of his life were devoted to the temperance question and he was one of the strongest workrers in the county in it's behalf With all his fteroness he was one of the most genial of men and a good comuanion. He lived a good life and did what he believed was for the betterment of his fellow men.
{Submitter comment: Nathan Hayes was born March 01,1828 in Paint Township, Ross County Ohio. He was the son of Nathan Hayes and Mary Meyers. He married Susan Mahon on September 14,1847 at Chillicothe, Ohio. He married Mary Wence Plummer on January 22,1872 in Vinton Iowa. Nathan died September 04,1904. }
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