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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Union; June 10, 1910
Daniel Lewis Hartsell

Daniel Louis (Lewis) Hartsellis dead. Patiently, with a Christian trust, he awaited the inevitable. "Like one who had wrapped the mantle of his couch about him and lain down to pleasant dream," fortified by the last sacrament of mother church, he sank to that painless sleepwhich passes forever earth's cares and sorrows Sunday afternoon, June 5th, 1910, the soul of Daniel Hartsell winged its way to the heaven of perpetual peace.

The deceased was born in Andrews Indiana, March 29, 1857. Coming with his parents to Tama county seven years later. There he grew to manhood. In 1881 he was married in Marshall county to Miss Libbie Bruss of Indiana, later coming to Belle Plaine to make their home. To this union was born on July 13, 1885 one daughter, Eva Gertrude who died at the age of three and a half months. In 1886 his wife died. He then united in marriage to Miss Eleanor Greenlee of this place. Five children were born to this union three who survive to comfort their mother in her sad bereavement.

Mr. Hartsell has been in the employment of the C and Northwestern for the past twenty-eight years, two years he was a brakeman and later become a fireman. He was a member of the Congregational Church for several years. He belonged to the I.O.O.F and Rebekah and Highland Noble Orders, which came in a bodyyand accompanied the remains from the house to the Congregational church where the funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon by Rev. F.E. Henry. The I.O.O.F. Lodge had charge of the funeral.

The deceased had been in failing health for the past three years, the last year and a half years he has been confined to his bed most all of the time. Death was due to Valvular heart trouble. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, one daughter, Miss Edna and two sons Warren and Ralph. Three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Halley of South Dakota, Mrs. Dr. Morrison of Marshalltown, Mrs. F. Lowry of Garwin, Ia. and two brothers, John of Bridgeport, Washington, and Eli of Portland, Oregon.

{Submitter comment: Daniel Lewis Hartsell was my grandfather. He passed when my father was 10 years old.}

Submitted on Jan 25, 2008 by
Robert N. Hartsell,

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