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Cedar Valley Daily Times; Oct 1, 1958
Funeral Held for Mary E. Harringer Benton County News
Mary E. Harringer

BLAIRSTOWN - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Harringer, 84, were held Tuesday at Peffers funeral home here with Rev. Hubert B[?]om officiating. Karne Tranberry was organist.

Services were held at 2:00 p.m., at the Methodist church at Rolfe today with Rev. Robert Spencer of Nevada in charge. Mrs. Spencer was organist. Burial was in the Rolfe cemetery.

Mrs. Harringer died early Monday morning at the Shively nursing home near Dysart after a lingering illness.

As Mary E. Coulter she was born July 19, 1874, at Prairie Home, Ill., a daughter of WIlliam J. and Louisa Burlew Coulter. Her father and mother died when she was young..In 1895 she married James A. Harringer. Soon after their marriage four of her younger brothers and sisters became a part of their home. The greater part of their married life was spent on a farm near Rolfe, but the last 17 years she made her home with a daughter, Marie of Blairstown.

Surviving are two children, Homer of Garden Grove, Calif., and Marie of Blairstown; three grandchildren, Mrs. Harvey Black of Clarion, Harold Harringer of Garden Grove, Calif., and Jo Ann Pollock of Blairstown; five great-grandchildren and two brothers, Frank Coulter of Broken Bow, Neb., and Lambert Coulter of Council Bluffs. She was preceded in death by her husband, two sisters and four brothers.

{Submitter comment: I'm not sure exactly where Rolfe Cemetery is. I have not found any mention of it on the Benton, Iowa or Tama county web sites.}
Submitted on Wed Dec 27 11:09:58 2000 by
J. Jay Lash,

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