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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

7 Feb 1974
Crushed by Truck, Atkins Man 41, Dies
Donald Henry Haerther

Atkins-Donald Henry Haerther, 41, was killed here Wednesday when he was crushed beneath a truck he was working on.

A lifetime resident of Atkins, he was born April 11, 1932. He was a graduate of Atkins high school and served in the Army from 1953-1955. He was married to Violet Ronneberg Sept 1, 1957 at Cedar Rapids.

Mr. Haerther was a member of St Stephen's Lutheran church, the Benton Co. Farm Bureau and A.H. Schueler Post 217 of the American Legion.

Surviving in addition to his wife are a son, William, three daughters, Kristina, Barbara and Linda, all at home; his parents, Mr and Mrs George J. Haerther of Atkins, and a sister, Mrs Kathryn Waterman of Atkins.

Services will be Saturday at 1:30 at St Stephen's Lutheran church. Military rites will be conducted.
Submitted on Jan 25, 2005 by
Kaye Sanchez,

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