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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Belle Plaine Union; unknown
Andrew C. Grey

Andrew C. Grey, age 51, member of the Board of Education and foreman of the water supply for the Northwestern in this territory for many years; passed away at his home in this city at 9:30 o’clock Monday morning following an illness of a weeks duration. Few of his friends knew of his illness and still fewer of them realized its seriousness, hence announcement of his death came as a great shock. To the devoted wife, daughter and son it was an overwhelming catastrophe. Death was due to intestinal flu and complications.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from Christ Methodist Church of which deceased was a devoted member and was in charge of Rev. T.H. Nielsen, his pastor and Rev. L.H. Woods of Gilbert, Iowa, a former pastor and intimate friend. Massed about the casket was a bower of flowers, the lone casket decoration of flowers a beautiful wreath with the legend “Daddy” thereon. Nearby another beautiful wreath bore the legend “Federated Shops Craft."

Attending the service in groups where the Odd Fellows under whose auspices the service was held, the Rebekahs, the Federated Shop Crafts, and the Board of Education. The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Mrs. W.R. Craig, Miss Betty Nielsen and Messrs. George Kubik and Harold Miller and was exquisitely rendered in the quartet, with duet by Mrs. Craig and Mr. Kubik and a solo by Mr. Kubik. Mrs. Edward Morek presided at the organ. The remarks by Reverend Nielsen and Reverend Woods were comforting to the grief stricken family as well as a tribute to the late Mr. Grey as a dependable citizen and a devoted and loving husband and father. Burial was in the Oak Hill cemetery at a commanding site in the newer part. The pallbearers were C.E. Sutton, R.E. Wright, Carlos Tippie, Wm. Gouldy, John Chvala and Harry Reggentin. The church was filled for the occasion and was a tribute to the esteem in which Mr. Grey was held in this community where his home had been for so many years and where his influence for good had made a lasting impression.

Andrew C. Grey, was born at Galva, Illinois, on October 31, 1881, and was the son of George and Mary Grey. He grew to manhood at the place of his birth. In July 11, 1905 at Brooklyn, Iowa, he was united in marriage to Miss Pearl Weaver and for the next year they made their home in Galva. In 1905 the home was established in Belle Plaine and has since been here. He entered the service of the Northwestern Railway and has continued with that company ever since. A number of years ago he was made foreman of water supply, a position he continued to hold at the time of his death.

A man of sunny disposition, one who made and held friends, few men in the community were held in higher esteem than was he. Firm in his convictions, yet charitable to others in their honest views; steadfast and dependable, he was a force for good in the community for he gained and held the respect of all with whom he came in contact. For some years he has been a member of the board of education and here, too, his fairness, his firmness and his dependability gained for him recognition, as is attested by a resolution by the Board of Education which appears elsewhere in the Union.

Besides being active in church work, he was a valued and beloved member of the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, The Modern Workmen and the Sheet Metal Workers.

Surviving are the devoted wife, a daughter, Miss Beulah Grey, teacher in the Belle Plaine schools and a son, Nathan A. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Harold Brown of Auxvasse, Mo., and three brothers Solomon Grey of Galesburg, Ill., Fred Grey of Ft. Smith, Ark., and Elmer Grey of Chicago.

Those here from out of the city for the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown of Auxvasse, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grey of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. John Grey of Hartwick: Mrs. Martha Grey of Hartwick; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Grey of Toledo; Mr. and Mrs. William Richman of Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Cleppe of Brooklyn; Misses Helen and Gladys Cleppe of Brooklyn; Floyd and Wallace Cleppe of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dee of Hartwick; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fritz; Rose and Lillian Fritz of Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rossway and son Melvin of Elberon; Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver and children, Willard and Max of Elberon; Mrs. Sadie Collins of Elberon; Mr. and Mrs. John Stettler of Lone Tree, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Wood of Gilbert, Iowa: Rev. F. R. Blakely of Manly, Iowa; Rev. J. A. Deedrick of Nevada; Mrs. Dwight Wood of Iowa City; Lindell Neverman of Sioux City; Messrs. R. T. Burns, Fred Diehl, Fred Cleator and Fred Rutledge all of Boone; Lee Moor of Council Bluffs; A. E. Carlson of Clinton and M. O’Connor of Clinton.
Submitted on Feb 7, 2006 by
Ann Jaber,

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