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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Last Rites Tuesday for Lide Gingery
Lide Gingery

Benton county News

Special to Daily Times

Shellsburg, May 28-Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock in the Federated church here for Miss Lide Gingery, 65 who died Saturday afternoon at the Vinton hospital after a lingering illness. Rev. Warren Bloyer will officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery.

Miss Gingery was born on a farm near her and lived all her life in the Shellsburg community. Only survivor is a brother, Jess Gingery of Shellsburg. She was a member of the Methodist church.

The body is at the Fry-Holland funeral home in Vinton...

Submitted on 21-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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