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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Daily Times; May 25, 1942
Elizabeth Gillespie

Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie, 83, died at her home in Washington, Iowa., Friday morning. She lived in the Fairview community 40 years ago and is survived by several nieces and nephews in that vicinity. Her husband Andrew Gillespie preceded her in death.. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today at Washington with burial in Fairview Cemetery.

{Submitter comment: cemetery records gives birth date as 1858 and husband name Mathew}

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Eagle; June 3, 1919
Emmeline Gillespie

Mrs. Robert J. Gillespie, who lived most of her life in Benton County, died Saturday morning, May 31, at the family home in La Porte City. Mrs. Gillespie's maiden name was Emmeline Kuhn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuhn, and she was born in Scioto, Ohio, May 3, 1851. She came to Benton County with her parents when a small child. She was married to Robert J. Gillespie October 7, 1869, in Vinton and from then until the family moved to La Porte City, their home in the Gillespie neighborhood in the northwest part of the county. Mr. Gillespie died June 28, 1916. To this union ten children were born, five of them surviving the mother, they are Mrs. S. H. Wilson, Pipestone, Minn, P.R. Gillespie, Minneapolis, J.G. Gillespie, La Porte City, Jennie, who made her home with her mother, and Mrs. A.E. Waller of Dysart. She is also survived by two brothers, G.W. Kuhn of Pipestone, Minn., and Henry Kuhn of Shellsburg.

Mrs. Gillespie was active in the affairs of her community and was a devoted wife and mother. She was a member of the W.R.C. and a member of the Pratt Creek United Presbyterian church until she moved to La Porte City when she joined the First Presbyterian church.

The funeral services were held Sunday at the Fairview church and were conducted by her pastor, Rev. John Knox, of La Porte City, and the burial was in the Fairview Cemetery.

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Cedar Valley Times; January 12, 1916
BRIGHTS DISEASE TAKES LITTLE GIRL. Esther Emmaline, Six Year Old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Gillespie, Died Saturday
Esther Emmaline Gillespie

After an illness of only one week from Bright's disease Esther Emmaline, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Gillespie of the Fairview community, passed away early Saturday morning. It was only Friday morning that the family realized the little girl was in danger. She had been ailing a week but the nature of the disease was not manifested and no thought that the child would be taken from the home had been entertained.

Esther was a beautiful child, bright and lovable and her absence from the family circle is the source of great sorrow to her parents and brother and sister. She had made many friends during her short life and Esther will be missed by her playmates and associates. The sympathy of many friends of the family is extended to the sorrow stricken parents.

Esther was born on the farm in Bruce township, three quarters of a miles east of the Fairview church, July 25, 1909. The parents, one sister Zorella and brother Elvin, are left to mourn the departure of a dearly loved daughter and sister.

The funeral was held from the Fairview church yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. S. S. Smick, conducting the services. The remains were interred in the Fairview cemetery.

The schoomates of little Esther acted as the pallbearers. They were Ethel Chase, Ivon Loveless, Ethel Van Fleet, and Ruth Eldridge. Those singing at the funeral services were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Elsa Smith and John Goon.

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Eagle; April 12, 1889

John L. Gillespie

Died-March 20, 1889, John L. Gillespie, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gillespie. He was sick only four days with inflammation of the bowels and stomach. He suffered great pain but was very patient, never once murmering or fretting at all. It was a very had stoke but must be endured.

{Submitter comment: Cemetery records states 12 years old}

Submitted on 23-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Cedar Valley Times; July 3, 1928
Matthew Gillespie

The death of Matthew Gillespie, 83 years old, brother of Joe Gillespie of Vinton and a former Benton county farmer, occurred Sunday at 9:30 p.m. at his home in Washington, Iowa. He had been in failing health two years.

Funeral will be held at the Joe Gillespie home in this city Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Morgan of La Porte City. Interment in the Fairview cemetery.

Matthew Gillespie was born in Philadelphia. He came to Iowa in 1865 with his mother, three brothers and a sister. For four years the family farmed near Vinton. In 1869 they moved to Bruce township. At the time of his death Mr. Gillespie owned 216 acres of Benton County land in the Fairview neighborhood.

Surviving are the widow and two brothers Zach Gillespie of La Porte City and Joe Gillespie of Vinton.

{Submitter comment: birth record from cemetery stone, wife Elizabeth}

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Cedar Valley Times; January 10, 1944
Bury Peter Gillispie In Fairview Cemetery
Peter Roulston Gillispie

The body of Peter Roulston Gillespie, 64, who died Friday in Minnesota, Minn, was brought to Vinton yesterday for funeral services and burial. Death resulted from a cerebral hemorrhage. The Rev. William Caldwell officiated at the funeral this afternoon at the Fry and Holland funeral Home. Internment was made in Fairview Cemetery. Mr. Killispie was born in Bruce township on May 28, 1879, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gillispie. He went to Minneapolis about 20 years ago to work as a railroad clerk. Surviving relatives include a brother J.G. Gillispie of Garrison, and two sisters Sadie G. Wilson of Pipestone, Minn, and Mrs. Emma Belle Waller of Phoenix, Arizona.

{Submitter comment: The Obituary has the name spelled as Killispie once.}

Submitted on 16-Jun-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Cedar Valley Times; June 30, 1916
DEATH REMOVES AN OLD SETTLER R.J. Gillespie, Who Came to Bruce Township in 1865, Passed Away Wednesday at LaPorte.
R. J. Gillespie

The death of R.J. Gillespie, a brother of Joe Gillespie of this city and a pioneer of Bruce Township, occurred Wednesday morning at the family home in La Porte City,Iowa. He was 73 years of age and have been in failing health two years, suffering from hardening of the arteries.

Funeral services over the remains of Mr. Gillespie were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Fairview church in Benton County and the body was laid to rest in the cemetery there. Rev. Hammond, pastor of the Presbyterian church in LaPorte City conducted the funeral.

Marched with Sherman to Sea. Mr Gillespie was a veteran of the civil war, having enlisted with 98th Ohio Volunteer infantry. He was with Gen. W. T. Sherman on his march to the sea and participated in several battles on that march.

Mr. Gillespie was born at Phildelphia, Pa., on May 25, 1843. At the close of the war he came to Benton county and settled on a farm seven and half miles south of La Porte City. This farm remained his home until a year ago last spring when he retired to La Porte City.

The surviving relatives consist of the wife and five children, two sons, and three daughters. The children are Mrs. F. H. Wilson of Pipestone, Minn, Gail Gillespie, who lives on the farm in Bruce township, Ralston Gillespie of Minneapolis, Mrs. Arthur Waller of Dysart and Miss Jennie at home.

Three brothers and a sister are also living. The brothers are Mathew Gillespie of Washington, Ia., Zach Gillespie of La Porte City and Joseph Gillespie of Vinton. Mrs. E. J. Scott living in the country near this city is the sister.

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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Vinton Eagle; April 17, 1888
Ruby E. Gillespie

R. J. Gillespie's youngest child Ruby E., died Thursday April 12th, after suffering but a few days with lung and catrrhal fever. She was followed to her last resting place by a large concourse of people. The funeral services were held at the house. Rev. H. H. Brownell preached a very instructive and interesting discourse. R.J. is not very well himself, he is suffering from a pain in his back and head.

{Submitter comment: cemetery stone information child of R. J. and E. Gillespie, 2 years, 11 months, 7 days. }

Submitted on 21-Nov-2010 by
Martha Long,

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