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Cedar Rapids Gazette; January 10, 1888
Mr. Jacob Gassar

DEATH OF AN OLD SETTLER. Died, Jan. 4th, 1888, at his residence in Benton county, Mr. Jacob Gassar, of lung fever. Mr. Gassar came from Ohio in the fall of 1854 and settled in Clinton twp., on Section 17, where he remained several years, then going to Benton county where he settled on 80 acres of government land in Fremont township, where he lived until his death. He was in his 69th year of age and was always very well until several days before his death. He was buried Jan. 7th at 12 o'clock, Res. Bushman of St. Louis, speaking words of comfort to the grief stricken wife and other relations. Mr. Gassar was well liked by his neighbors and by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and one daughter and several grandchildren to mourn his loss. He also was an uncle of J.G. Engel of this place. Mr. Engel could not attend the funeral on account of his being at Marion on the grand jury, thus not learning of the death of his uncle until he arrived at Cedar Rapids Saturday afternoon.

Submitted on January 17, 1998 by

John C. Engel
2359 S. 78th Street
West Allis, WI 53219
(414) 545-6853


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