Clarence Dripps, 65, Urbana, Dies
Clarence Dripps
Urbana--Clarence Dripps, 65 of Urbana, died at the Vinton hospital this morning after a lingering illness. He had operated the Conoco Service Station here since 1937.
Born near Urbana June 10, 1898, his parents were Allen and Margaret Dripps. He was married to Mary Cumberland Oct 4, 1922. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Donald of Vinton, and Harold of Minneapolis; four brothers, Emmett of Shellsburg and Fred, Willis and George of Urbana and three grandsons. He was preceded in death by a brother Edd, and a sister Anna Nie.
Funeral services will be held at the Christain Church in Urbana Monday, April 27, at 2:30 pm. Mr. Dripps was a member of the Christian Church.
Friends may call at the Fry and Holland Funeral Home in Vinton.
{Submitter comment: Date of death from SSDI}
Clipping - newspaper not known;
George A. Dripps
Mr. George Allen Dripps was born July 25, 1858 in Linn county, Iowa, and died Tuesday, February 18, 1919, aged 60 years, 6 months and 24 days, after a brief illness of influenza. Mr. Dripps was married to Miss Marguerite Michael January 1, 1884. Mr. Dripps, when but a year old, moved with his parents to Benton county and has been a resident of this county ever since.
Mrs. Dripps was born in Luxemburg, Germany in 1861 and came to this country when but 7 years old and Mr. and Mrs. Dripps have since their marriage spent their many happy days and years on the farm, the old homestead 2 miles northeast of Urbana, and to this happy union were born seven children, six boys and one girl. They are Edward on farm near Urbana; George, who is somewhere in France: Emmet, of Shellsburg; Mrs. Anna Dripps Nye wife of Charles Nye, who preceded her father in death October 18, 1917, Clarence, Fred, and Willis at home and one little granddaughter, Rosena Marguerite Nye, aged one year and 8 months. Besidea the wife and children and grandchild there were four step-sisters of these only one survives, Mrs. Henry Strait who lives near Center Point, Iowa; William Strait and Lorinda Ferguson and Mrs. Mary Rouse who have preceded these in death. Besides the family and near relatives a host of friends mourn the loss of a kind and noble husband, father, citizen and neighbor.
Mr. Dripps, when a small boy with his parents became a member of the Methodist church and was sprinkled in that church, but in later years he believed in the Christian faith. Mr. Dripps bears this record; that when he was called upon to give of his means to help support the church and to give to the poor or help in sickness he responded freely and was loved by all who knew him. He will be greatly missed by the family as a good householder and cousellor and he honored and respected and loved the aged and for the poor he had a kind and loving sympathy.
The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Urbana on Friday at 2:00 p.m. and interment was made in the Urbana cemetery, conducted by Lafe Hoff, pastor of the Urbana and Oak Grove churches.
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