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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Benton County Times; September 26, 1907
Thomas Deerdoff Dies.
Thomas Deerdoff

Thomas Deerdoff died Monday night at 1 a. m. He had been ill for many months with creeping paralysis. The funeral was held at the Deerdoff residence yesterday at 2 p. m., Rev. Pardee officiating. Burial was in Cox's cemetery. Mr. Deerdoff leaves a wife and six children; Elmer of Vinton; Mrs. Effie Hanna, Mrs. Sadie Fisher, Mrs. Lucy Whipple, of Vinton; Mrs. Lizzie Fintel, of Garrison; and Mrs. Lulu Albert, of Waterloo. He was born in Indiana, but lived here for many years on a farm in Harrison township.

Submitted on May 24, 2007 by

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