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Unknown (Benton County, Iowa); Feb. 10th, 11th or 12th, 1966
David Davar, 77, Of Urbaba Dies; Rites Saturday

URBABA -- David Davar (Dever), 77, retired blacksmith, died Thursday morning at Virginia Gay hospital.

Born Jan. 13, 1889, at Center Point, a son of Jessie and Sadie Way Dever, he married Nellie F. Darland at Urbana on Dec. 7, 1910. She preceded him in death in 1928. Deceased had been a resident of Urbana the past 13 years.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Albert (Geraldine) Reid of rural Center Point; one son, Lyle Dever of Minneapolis, Minn; one brother, Jess Dever of the state of Washington; two grandchildren and three great=grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday at the Murdoch funeral home at Center Point conducted by Rev. Richard A. Laslo with burial in the Center Point cemetery.
Submitted on Fri Jun 5 21:13:33 1998 by
Terri Rene DaVar - Howard,

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