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Unknown; Dec. 28, 1937
Hold Funeral Rites For B.C. Darland at Center Point Today
Bailey Carter Darland

Urbana, Dec 28. B.C. Darland, who died at his home here Sunday, was buried this afternoon in the Center Point cemetery following services at the Denaison & Beatty funeral home in Center Point.
Submitted on Tue Jun 9 22:04:14 1998 by
Terri Rene DaVar - Howard,

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Unknown; Sept. 26, 1938
Mrs. Nellie Darland Dies at Urbana Home; Funeral Wednesday Benton County News
Nellie Jane (Cochran) Darland

Urbana, Sept. 26. -- Mrs. Nellie Jane Darland died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Brody, in Urbana, at 8:30 a.m. Sunday after being bedfast a little over a week. Her death was attributed to heart trouble and complications. Funeral services will be held at her home in Urbana at 2:00 p.m. Wednesday with burial in Center Point cemetery.

Mrs. Darland was born July 27, 1858, the daughter of John and Elizabeth Cochran. She was married to Bailey Carter Darland at Iriquois, S.D., Jan 24, 1886. The last five years she has maintained a home in Urbana, moving here from Center Point, where she lived for 44 years. Mr. Darland died Dec. 26, 1937.

Four children, Mrs. Maude Brody and Mrs. Stella Boyles, Urbana; John Darland, Mt. Auburn, and Mrs. Millie Mollenhauer, Walker, and one sister, Mrs. Violet Abbott, Center Point, survive. Two children, Mrs. Nellie Devers and Miss Fannie Darland, six brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Friends may call at the Alcorn chapel Tuesday and at the home on Wednesday morning.
Submitted on Tue Jun 9 21:57:00 1998 by
Terri Rene DaVar - Howard,

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