Cedar Valley Times; February 19, 1934
Dollie Brody Crow
Mrs. Dollie Crow, 76, died Sunday morning at the home of her son, Pearl Brody of Vinton. She had been in ill health three years with heart disease. Funeral rites will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the Hite & Alcorn parlors by the Rev. W. W. Williams of the Church of Christ. Burial will be in the Cox cemetery near Urbana.
Mrs. Crow was born Sept. 23, 1863, in Illinois. She came to Benton county at the age of eighteen years. Her marriage to Everett Brody occurred in 1879 at Vinton. Following his death in 1904, she was married to Thomas Crow in 1909. He died seven years later.
Surviving the mother are two sons, Estus Brody of Riverside, Cal., and Pearl Brody of Vinton. There are five grandchildren. Friends wishing to see the body may call Monday evening between 7:00 and 9:00 o'clock at the funeral parlors.
Benton County Herald; Friday, October 9, 1891
John Crow
Picture of John Crow
Died - at the poor farm, Thursday, October 8th - John Crow, aged 90 years. The deceased was one of the first settlers of this county.
{Submitter comment: I expect the above article was about my grandmother's [Mary Ethel (Crow) Belangee] grandfather, John Atkinson Crow, b. Aug. 21, 1804 in VA. Migration 1804 VA >1806 Jefferson Co., OH > 1820 Newark Twp., Licking Co., OH>c March 1836 IN>1853 Benton Co., IA.
I suspect he is buried by his wife, Milcah (Belt) Crow in Prairie United Brethren Cemetery in Taylor Twp., Benton Co., IA with no marker. She died in 1860 and he carved her tombstone which has recently been cleaned and reset. The poor house had no cemetery, he was also in and out of the mental health institute that handled Vinton Co. people - I do not know if they had a cemetery.}
Vinton; December 22, 1893
Lydia Crow
Lydia Ann, wife of William A. Crow, died at her home in Big Grove, Monday December 18, aged nearly 54 years.
She was born in Johnson county, Ind, and had lived in Benton county, Iowa, most of the time for the last 29 years. She was from youth a member of the Presbyterian church and had been sustained through the trials of life by a deep and calm Christian faith. Her sister, Margaret, Mrs. Alex Crow, preceded her to the unseen land just one week. She was present at her sister's funeral last Wednesday, on the next Sunday she was taken suddenly ill and passed away at 5:00 Monday evening. The funeral was held at the Big Grove Presbyterian church Wednesday forenoon, Rev E.H. Avery, officiating, assisted by a quartette from the Presbyterian choir of Vinton.
A husband, three sons and two daughters mourn the loss or an excellant wife and mother. The bereaved family desire to express their appreciation and kindness of many friends who have aided them in the hour of their sorrow and need.
These two sisters who have been called away so near together were sisters of Mrs. Isaac Bergen of Vinton and of Mr Andrew Vorheis of Garrison.
December 19, 1893
Mrs. Margaret Crow
Mrs. Margaret Crow, widow of Alexander Crow, died in Taylor township, Dec. 11, aged nearly sixty seven years. She had long been a resident of Benton county and was esteemed by a large circle of kindred and friends.
By strange providence while the body of this venerable mother lay silent in death at the home of her son Grafton, the little child of another son Andrew, died in the same house. A double funeral sevice was held Wednesday forenoon, Rev. E.H. Avery officiating. Then the remains of the grandmother and of the grandson, little Lathie, only three months old, were together borne away to the cemetery at Big Grove.
Vinton Eagle; May 14, 1920
Meredith Zuriel Crow
Picture of Meredith Crow
Death came suddenly to Zuriel Crow, an aged inmate of the county home while he was returning from the river where he and another inmate of the home, George Brown, had been fishing Monday afternoon. The two had stopped to rest in the Tumulty pasture between the river and the county home, when Mr. Crow suddenly fell forward on his face dead. His companion lifted him up, but realizing he was dead, made a hurried trip to the county home to notify Superintendent John Holland. The latter made a hurried trip to the pasture and later had the body brought to the Fry undertaking parlor in this city and prepared for burial.
Mr. Crow was 85 years old, he had been born in Ohio January 4, 1835. He came to Iowa with his parents as a boy, and the family settled on Crow creek east of town. There were eight children in the family and only one lives. This is A.B Crow an inmate of the soldier's home in Marshalltown. He arrived in Vinton Wednesday morning. A sister, Mrs. Rose Wheaten, died in Cedar Rapids this past winter.
Funeral services were held at the undertaking parlor Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock and interment was in Evergreen cemetary.
Mortality Schedule listing;
MILCAH (BELT) CROW, b. Dec. 1805, d. May 5, 1860, Mortality Schedule , 1860, Benton Co., IA, USA, "Milcah Belt Crow, age 55, died May 1860 - canser(sic) ill 1 year.".
Prairie United Brethern Cemetary, Sec. 35, Lot 2, Block 45 Taylor Twp., Benton Co., IA.
{Submitter comment: Wife of John Atkinson Crow}
Vinton Semi-Weekly Eagle; Sept. 30, 1884
Sarah Crow
Crow - At Big Grove, Iowa, Sept. 24, 1884, Mrs. Sarah Crow, Daughter of Thomas wright, and wife of James Crow, in the 25th year of her age.
Sarah had been well known and highly esteemed in this community where the family formerly resided. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and in death was sustained by a full assurance of her Savior's presence. Funeral services where held at the church in Vinton last Thursday, conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. H. Avery.
{Submitter comment: not related}
Vinton; March 21, 1916
Tom Crow
Tom Crow, a former resident of Vinton died at his home in Waterloo Thursday morning about 5:30, the cause of his death being heart trouble. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the undertaking parlors in Waterloo, and burial was at Underwood cemetery at that place.
Mr Crow was about 46 years of age and was born and raised in this vicinity. He operated a farm northeast of Vinton for a number of years and made his home in town about a year. Eight years ago he moved to Waterloo where he was employed by the Iowa Dairy.
Mr Crow is survived by his wife and two sisters and one brother. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral: Jas. DuFresne and family, Arthur DuFresne and family of Van Horne, Geo. DuFresne and family of Garrison, Chas. Overbeck and Mrs. Overbeck of Vinton, Mrs. Smith of Chicago, B.A. Crow and daughter, Mrs. Belangee and daughter of Marshalltown.
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