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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Cedar Rapids Gazette; November 14, 1960

Bessie Alice Challed

Bessie Alice Sheridan, 79, widow of Charles W. Challed and a resident of the Norway and Cedar Rapids vicinity most of her life, died Saturday in Los Angeles. Born August 2, 1881 at Cleveland, she was married in Cedar Rapids April 16, 1903. Mr. Challed died in 1945 and a son, Dr. Don S. Challed, died in 1953. Only survivors are 3 grandsons: Dean and David Challed of Cedar Rapids and Don Challed of Davenport.

Mrs. Challed was a life member of Mystic Star Chaper O.E.S. at Norway and past instructor and Grand Marshal of Iowa.

Services: Beatty - Beurle's at a time to be announced. Burial at Linwood Cemetery.

{Submitter comment: She was daughter of C. E. Sheridan and Ella Thompson.}
Submitted on Jan 14, 2006 by
John Shuck,

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