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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Cedar Valley Daily;
Mrs. Carl Carlson, 65, Dies at Home
Ida Carlson

Vinton News--Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock in the Behtlehem Lutheran church here for Mrs. Carl Carlson, 65, who died suddenly Saturday night at her home in Vinton. Rev Carl O. Soderbloom will officiate. Burial will be in Evergreen cemetery.

Mrs. Carlson was born Ida Peterson on Dec 15, 1884 at Blekinge, Sweden. She came to Iowa in 1903 from Sweden, and shortly afterward moved to the Vinton community where she lived until her death. She was a member of the Bethlehem Lutheran church. She married Carl Carlson on Sept 21, 1906, near Vinton. He died March 17, 1943.

Surviving are two sons, Harold Carlson of Newhall and Einar Carlson of Vinton; two daughters, Mrs. Raeburn Ware of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Ray Kinzie of Vinton; four grandchildren; a brother, Herman Peterson of Steele, N.D., and two sisters, Mrs. Hilda Hokanson of Aberdeen, S.D. and Mrs. Emma Nelson of Sweden. Three brothers preceded her in death.

Submitted on 19-Apr-2009 by

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Waterloo Daily Courier; December 16, 1949

Olivia Carlson

Vinton - Mrs. A. G. Carlson, 70, Tuesday at Vinton hospital; suffered a stroke Monday and never regained consciousness; came to America from Sweden when 10 years old and had lived in this community ever since except nine years in Cedar Rapids; retired here from a nearby farm six years ago; born Olivia Bostrom to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bostrom, July 16, 1879; married to A. G. Carlson at Albia, Ia., Dec. 23, 1903; leaves husband and two daughters, Mrs. Grace Carlson, Maywood, Ill.; Mrs. Vernie Van Fossen, Cedar Rapids, and the following brothers and sisters, Samuel Bostrom and Mrs. Fred Johnson, Sweden; Henry Bostrom, Los Angeles, Cal.; Frank Bostrom and Mrs. Tansy Pierce, Cedar Rapids, and Pat Bostrom, Vinton; funeral was Friday.

{Submitter comment: newspaper extract - not related}

Submitted on 10-Jan-2010 by
John Shuck,

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