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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Blairstown Press; Nov. 11, 1930
Benton's Oldest Resident is Dead
Paul Cantwell

Paul Cantwell, sr., Passed Away Aged 104 Years

Paul Cantwell, sr., Benton county's oldest resident, passed away the age of 104 years at this home near Van Horne, Tuesday, from a gradual weakness and infirmities of old age. Funeral services were held Thursday morning at Immaculate Conception Catholic church at Van Horne, conducted by the Rev. Father James Delay.

Mr. Cantwell, who was a native of Tipperary county, Ireland, came to this country in 1848 and located in Cedar Rapids. There he was an employee of the Northwestern railway company and helped construct the tracks between Cedar Rapids and Belle Plaine. In 1867 he came to Union township, Benton county, and purchased 8 acres of land 1 1/4 miles southwest of here.

In 1872 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Hickey and they made their home on the farm, living in a one room undecorated and unplastered house. Thru had work and economy they added 120 acres more land to their farm in a few years.

Mr. Cantwell is survived by six children, Tom, of Keystone, Paul, Jr., and Mrs. James Nolan of Van Horne, and William Patrick and Mae at home. He also leaves 27 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Cantwell preceded him in death a few years ago.

Mr. Cantwell was a devout christian, a staunch democrat and a conscientious and respected citizen.
Cedar Valley Times; Nov. 18, 1930
Dies at 104
Paul Cantwell

Benton County News Special to Daily Times.

Van Horne, Nov. 18 — Paul Cantwell, 104 years old, Benton county’s oldest citizen, died this morning on the farm a mile and a quarter southwest of Van Horne, where he had lived for 63 years. Death was due to the infirmities of old age. Funeral arrangements have not been announced.

Mr. Cantwell was born in Tipperary county, Ireland, in 1826. He was educated in the public schools of his native land, arriving in America in December, 1848, after an ocean voyage of six weeks. During his first four years in this country he was employed in New York at railroad work, going south for the winters, in 1857 he came west to La Salle county, Illinois, and was employed at Bloomington. Four years later he came to Iowa and assisted in the construction of the Northwestern railroad from Cedar Rapids to Belle Plaine, and while located at the latter place attended a Fourth of July celebration at the Patrick Kelly home in Union township, Benton county.

About this time Mr Cantwell bought eighty acres of land in section 15, Union township, which is a part of his present estate, for which he paid $3.50 an acre. He experienced much difficulty in paying for this farm. He later bought 120 acres. He never sold any of his land, owning 200 acres at his death.

Until 1866, Mr Cantwell continued railroad work east of Belle Plaine, when he came to his farm and built a small house. In January of 1862, Mr Cantwell was married to Mary Hickey. Of the twelve children born to Mr. and Mrs. Cantwell there are six living, namely Tom Cantwell living near Keystone, Paul Cantwell, Jr., farmer near Van Horne, Mrs. James Nolan of Van Horne, and Patrick, William and Mae Cantwell, all living with the father.

Mr Cantwell was an influential citizen of Benton county and was revered as one of the pioneers of this section of Iowa.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 31-Oct-2019 by
John Shuck,

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