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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Cedar Valley Times; July 12, 1935
Mrs. C. Busler, 89, Dies at Garrison: Ill the Last Year.
Catherine Busler

Garrison-Mrs. Catherine Busler, 89, widow of William Busler, died Thursday night at her home near Garrison of old age infirmities. She has been in failing health the last year... Burial will be in the Carlisle Grove cemetery...

Mrs. Busler was born Nov. 1, 1845, in Greencastle, Pa,. She was married to Wm Busler November 13, 1866 at Vinton. Her surviving children are: Susan Busler, Cassie Burkey, and W.E. Busler of Garrison, Christ and George Busler of Chowchilla, Calif. and Don Busler of Vinton. Jake Busler, another son died in 1930. The deceased was a member of the Old Brethern church.

Submitted on 04-Jul-2010 by
Martha Long,

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