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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Vinton Eagle; May 14, 1920
Burial of Former Polk Township Resident Will Take Place Saturday Morning at Wilmington.
Wilford Burk

Following a long illness which finally terminated in mental derangement, Wilford Burk died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Payn of Chicago. For a number of weeks Mr. Burk's death had been imminent.

The remains will be brought to Urbana for burial, the funeral party leaving Chicago this evening. Burial will be at Wilmington cemetery in Polk township Saturday morning. There will be a short service at the grave.

Wilford Burk was a brother of John Burk, who makes his home in Vinton part of the time and with relatives at Urbana. He was about sixty-eight years of age and was reared in Polk township. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burk, who came to Benton county from Lebanon, Ind., sixty- nine years ago. There is one other brother living, R. S. Burk of Denver, Col.

There are three daughters surviving the father, Mrs. Payn of Chicago, one living in South Dakota, and another residing in Fayette county, Iowa.

Deceased has many friends and acquaintances among the older residents of Polk township, who remember him and regret his departure.

Submitted on Jun 21, 2007 by

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