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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
The Vinton Eagle; May 15, 1894

Josie May Bridge

Josie May Bridge the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bridge, aged nearly two years, died April 28, 1894, of pneumonia. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon.

The home was filled with friends that gave their sympathy in such a sore time of bereavement. Rev. E. H. Avery's words were very comforting.

Little Josie's finger was pointed upward, the beautiful vision she saw was vailed [sic] from our view. But she will ever be a sweet link that will draw us from earth to our home in Heaven.

Darling Josie how we loved her,
But Jesus loved our darling too;
And to his Heavenly home he called her,
And placed her with his chosen few.

Oh! how we miss our little darling,
There is no human tongue can tell,
But we know we must not murmur
For Jesus doeth all things well.

"Forbid them not" dear Jesus said,
Let the little ones come to me;
For of such his heavenly kingdom is -
Like them may all His followers be.

Dear Josie was our household pet,
A sweet fair flower that God had given,
Shew was a bright light in our home,
But she will brighter shine in Heaven.

Submitted on 11-Apr-2020 by
John Shuck,

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