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The Vinton Eagle; October 29, 1907

Harry Ellsworth Brant

Harry Ellsworth Brant was born on October 16, 1880 in Missouri.

The Family afterwards moved to Vinton and resided there sometime.. Later they moved to a farm in the vicinity of Belle Plaine, and there Harry Brant lived until his marriage to Nellie May Craft on Dec. 20, 1905.

After his marriage he was employed for about a year in the round house here and then he began braking on the I & M division.

About three months ago he went to Huron, S. D. and was working there in the employ of the Northwestern as switchman when he met with his fatal accident on Friday October 11, He was planning to take his family to Huron and on the very day he was hurt his wife received a letter stating that he would be coming home after her in a few days.

M. Brant is survived by his Widow and little son, also by a sister Mrs. Maginnis of Iowa City.

{Submitter comment: Found two obituaries, one in the Vinton Eagle and one in the Belle Plaine Union. The one in the Belle Plaine Union had more information.}
Submitted on Mon Mar 13 07:43:47 2000 by
Barbara Brant Ketels,

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