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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Ostfriesische Nachrichten; 1 December 1894
Poet Arends Boomgaarden
Poet Arends Boomgaarden

"He was taken from our midst by death. The departed was born at Campen, Ost., on 19 December 1822 and died 11 November 1894. He reached the age of 71 years, 10 mos, and 22 days. He died at Van Horne, Benton Co., Ia. Notice brought by W. Boomgarden, O. Boomgarden, with relation".

{Submitter comment: Obituary for POET Boomgaarden: Taken from German newspaper, published in Iowa, called "OSTFRIESISCHE NACHRICHTEN" It was a newspaper published at Breda, Ia., written in German, that our immigrant families subscribed to.}

Submitted on 25-Jun-2008 by
Lola Wulf,

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