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Vinton; April 30, 1912
Orson E. Bogle

Orson E. Bogle, a native pioneer of Eden township died at his home Saturday April 27, 1912. He was the son of V. Bogle, who settled in Eden Township in 1852 when he was 36 years of age. He assisted in organizing the township.

Orson Bogle was one of the enterprising and prosperous farmers of the township. For a number of years he was an invalid. Mr. Bogle was one of the active Republicans of the township. He was a great reader and was well posted on all public questions. He was tenascious to his own opinions but always treated his opponents fairly.

The funeral services will be held at the First Eden M. E. Church this Tuesday afternoon and will be conducted by the reverand W. F. Spry of Waterloo. The burial services will be in charge of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Shellsburg, of which the deceased was a member. The internment will be in the cemetery adjoining this church.

{Submitter comment: Born in Eden Township in 1859, son of Valentine Bogle who was first settler in Eden township. Valentine Bogle was active in civil and political life. Orson married Miss Nettie Inman, daughter of Orville Inman. With the mother, there are six children who mourn his death. }
Submitted on Sat Oct 28 08:39:55 2000 by
Roger Wayne Green,

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