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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries

Claude Blattler

Benton County News

Special to the Daily Times

Shellsburg-Claude Blattler one of Shellsburg's oldest businessmen, died unexpectedly at his home Sunday morning of a heart attack, He was 67.

He was born Oct. 21, 1893, at Centralla, Mo., and came to Iowa in infancy with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Blattler. He was reared and educated in Cedar Bluff in Cedar county, Iowa. He came to Shellsburg and worked as a barber in 1915, the moved to Cedar Rapids where he married Violet Richard June 17, 1919. They lived in Cedar Rapids until 1926 when he returned to Shellsburg where he owned and operated his own shop until his death. Surviving are his widow, one son, Charles Richart, four grandchildrn, and one sister, Mrs. Fred Levenhagen of Tacoma, Wash.

He was a member of Grace Trinity church and a World War I veteran, a member of the Shellsburg American post the benton county Voiture No. 625 of the 40 & 8, was treasurer of the town of Shellsburg and treasurer of the Shellsburg Consolidated school district.

Funeral services will be held at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday in Grace Trinity church. Rev. Earl Travis will officiate. Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery where military rites will be conducted by the Shellsburg Legion post..

{Submitter comment: Clipping by Marilyn Kolsrud and Martha Long}

Submitted on 20-Mar-2010 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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RICHARD BLATTLER SHELLSBURG, DIES SHELLSBURG—Richard Blattler, 45, of Shellsburg, a production supervisor at Link Belt Speeder, Cedar Rapids, died of a sudden heart attack this morning. He was dead on arrival at St. Luke’s hospital in Cedar Rapids. Blattler, a son of Claude and Violet Wyckoff Blattler, was born in Cedar Rapids June 3, 1924, and married JoAnne Gerber July 7, 1944. He was a member of the Shellsburg Masonic Lodge and the Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Richart and Randy of Shellsburg; two daughters, Mrs. Everette (Kristalyn) Krug of Ames and Kathryn of Shellsburg; and his mother. Mrs. Charles Wyckoff of rural Vinton.Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church her Monday at 2 p.m., with burial in Oakwood Cemetery (article was cliped where information where friends may call)

Marilyn Kolsrud, and Sheryl Mason Reynolds

Submitted on 25-Jun-2009 by
Sheryl Mason Reynolds,

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