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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Waterloo Daily Courier; June 17, 1949
Ray V. Barnes
Ray Vernon Barnes

Funeral Services will be at 3 p.m. Monday at Kearns Garden chapel for Ray Vernon Barnes, 66, who died at 11:15 a.m. Friday in the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. H. Trunnell, Route 2.

. He was born July 17, 1882, in Blairstown, Ia., the son of Ira A. and Hanna Kenderdine Barnes. He was married June 9, 1909, in La Porte City to Agnes Maria Gammon.

His wife preceded him in death on February 16, 1949.

Mr. Barnes lived on a farm in Black Hawk county for 37 years coming here from Mt. Vernon, Ia. He was a member of Walnut Street Baptist church.

Surviving besides his daughter is a son, George, Route 2, and five grandchildren.

...burial will be at Elmwood cemetery.

{Submitter comment: Not related}

Submitted on 28-Apr-2011 by
John Shuck,

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