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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
Belle Plaine Union; Jan. 5, 1922
Death Came Monday Evening
Marrie Andrle

Mrs. John Andrle Victim of Cancer. Was Buried Thursday Morning at Chelsea.

Monday morning at 9:10 o’clock Mrs. John Andrle passed away at the hospital rooms in the ???. Mr. Andrle had been in poor health for four months and her condition, had bean very critical. She recently submitted to an operation at Cedar Rapids but the results were not all that were hoped for and a second operation was performed in the hospital rooms, offering as it did the last hope to pro long her life. 8he was suffering with a cancer of the intestines and the pain was extremely severe, but she bore it with bravery and patience.

Funeral service was held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Michaels Catholic church and were in charge of the Rev. Father H. A. Wilberding and burial was at Chelsea.

Mrs. Andrle was born on September 16th, 1861 and-at the time of her death on January 2nd, 1922 was aged 60 years, 3 months and 18 days. At Chelsea on November 15th, 1881 she was united in marriage to Mr. John Andrle of this city and this union proved a most happy one. To Mr. and Mrs Andrle there were born six children, five daughters and one son, of whom three daughters and a son survive and are, Mrs. A. G. Dickson of Des Moines; Mrs. J. A. Liddy of Monticello; Mrs. R. J. Novatny of Victor and E. J. Anderie of Eldora. A daughter, Mrs. J. J. Hayes died 22 months ago and a second daughter, Charlotte, passed away five weeks ago.

The forty years of her married life have been spent in this city where she has a wide acquaintance and where she was held in the highest esteem. She was a woman of kindly disposition, devoted to her family and sympathetic to her friends and neighbors.

To the stricken husband and children the sincere sympathy of friends is extended in their hour of sorrow.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 07-Dec-2024 by
John Shuck,

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