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Benton County, Iowa Obituaries
The Waterloo Times-Tribune; Oct. 7, 1919
Amariah Frost Allen

Word was received Sunday over the wire that A. F. Allen, former banker and prominent citizen of Blairstown, passed away at Ames. This was a shock to his many friends in Blairstown who had known and loved him in his many years here. He came to Blairstown in 1869 and in 1880 opened a private bank which was later incorporated and called the Benton County Bank. About ten years ago he sold his interest because of failing health and retired.

Blairstown Press; Sept. 26, 1919
Former Bank Dies At Ames
Amariah Frost Allen

On Saturday at his home in Ames occurred the death of A. F. Allen. Mr. Allen was for many years one of the foremost citizens of this place and was well known in the banking circles of the state. He was engaged in the banking business here for many years till ill health made it necessary to retire from active work.. The remains were brought here on Tuesday, the body, laying in state at the home of Mayor and Mrs. B. F. Paul. It was viewed by many old friends and neighbors, the burial taking place in Pleasant Hill cemetery.
{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 30-Apr-2020 by
John Shuck,

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Belle Plaine Independent; Dec. 3, 1884

Charles William Allen

Charles William, son of Jonas and Sarah Allen, died Nov. 26, 1884, aged 6 years, 4 months and 7 days. He was buried from the residence of his parents, Thursday, Nov. 27, in the Beal cemetery. Rev. R. W. Milner conducted the funeral services.

{Submitter comment: not related}

Submitted on 09-Dec-2014 by
John Shuck,

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