Waterloo Daily Courier; January 5, 1951
Luella Albert
Vinton — Funeral rites were here Friday for Mrs. E. E. Albert, 79, who died Wednesday night at the Virginia Gay hospital annex, after a short illness; born Luella Deardoff Nov. 26, 1871, on a farm in Harrison township in Benton county, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Deardoff; married to Ernest E. Albert on Sept. 10, 1890, at Vinton; he died Dec. 13, 1947; couple farmed near Brandon after their marriage until 1902, when they retired and moved to Vinton; member of the Christian church; leaves four children, Guy Albert, Eldo Albert and Mrs. William Daughhetee, Vinton; Mrs. Carl Dorian, Cedar Rapids; five grandchildren and five great grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Herman Wood and Mrs. W. S. Hanna, Vinton; a grandson, two sisters and a brother preceded her in death.
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