Transcriber's Notes: No enumeration dates appear on the schedules. The columns for Color and Free/Slave have been eliminated as they were not used by the enumerators. |
Enumerated by: Jacob S. Hunt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PG LN LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX M/W BIRTH_PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harrison Township 1 1 Evans Mittie T. 1 F . Iowa June . Inflamation of the bowels 10 day . 2 Bryson Palmer 3 M . Iowa Sept . Conjestion 3 . 3 Bryson Mary A. 34 F . Indiana June Housewife Deseas of the Heart 60 . 4 Bryson Walter E. 4/12 M . Iowa Aug . Teething 7 . 5 Brown William 3 M . Iowa May . Croup 1 . 6 Rodgers Harlin 5/12 m . Iowa March . Inflamation Lungs 13 . 7 Long Susan E. 3/12 F . Iowa Feb . Croup 1 . 8 9 Concluded 10 11 Commencement of Polk Township 12 Taylor Mary J. 19 F . Indiana May . Heimmage of Lungs 150 days . 13 Featherkile Margarett 20 F . Indiana March . Inflamation of Lungs 8 days . 14 15 Concluded 16 Commencement of Benton Township 17 Johnson Thomas P. 36 M M Ohio Jan Farmer Consumption 2 Years . 18 19 Concluded 20 Commencement of Canton Township 21 Cowell George W. 2 M . Iowa Sept . Putrified Sore Throat 14 days . 22 Mills Anne E. 2/12 F . Iowa March . Croup Collick 3 Hours . 23 Lurk W B 10/12 M . Iowa June . Consumption 120 days . 24 Lurk John R. 42 M . Penn June . Consumption 1 Year . 25 T**gs Susan 1 F . Iowa . . . . it appears the enumerator tried to erase this name 26 Concluded 27 Commencement of Eden Township 28 Triggs Susan 1 F . Iowa April . Putrified Sore Throat 4 days . 29 Lamar Jacob 49 M M Penn Jan Farmer Typhoid Fever 24 days . 30 Sulivan Mary V 2 F . Iowa June . Putrified Sore Throat 4 . 31 Gibins Larisza 1/12 F . Iowa March . Inflamation of Brain 3 days . 32 Concluded 33 Commencement of Fremont Township 34 Johnson Joseph 34 M M Ireland June Farmer Lock Jaw = nail in foot 6 days 35 Total number of deaths 19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PG LN LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX M/W BIRTH_PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taylor Township 2 1 Luton Elizabeth 34 F M Ohio Sept Housewife Consumption 6 Months . 2 Downs Nathan 49 M M Delaware May Day Labour Accidental Drownded Sudden . 3 Chase W E 1 M . Iowa July . Chrofula 6 Months . 4 Pickerell Ada C 1 F . Iowa March . Lung Fever 17 days . 5 Jones Anny 50 F M NY February Housekeeper Consumption 1 Year . 6 Brown Eliza J 54 F M England March . Neuralga of Stomach 12 . 7 Rupp John 56 M M Pa Nov Carpenter Neuralga in Head 5 Months . 8 McCullough Armelia E 2 F . Iowa Aug . Bowel Complaint 6 days . 9 Butler Manley S 60 M M NY Oct Merchant Dyspepsia 30 days . 10 Crow Milcah 55 F M Ohio May Housekeeper Cancer 1 Year . 11 Sanders Edward 1 M . Iowa April . Inflamation of Brain 12 days . 12 Gilchrist E G 2 M . Ind April . Putrification of Throat 6 days . 13 Dodson A M 8/12 F . Iowa Aug . Bloody Flux 10 days . 14 Bishop Sarah 28 F M Ind Feb Housekeeper Typhoid Fever * days . 15 16 Concluded 17 Commencement of Big Grove Township 18 Flickener Jacob E 20 M . Pa Sept . Consumption 1 Year Flickenger? 19 Schoonover Ira B 29 M W NY Oct Farmer Trauma Sudden accidental in a threshing 20 21 Concluded 22 Commencement of Union Township 23 Chall Wm 48 M M Ireland May Farmer Consuption 8 mon . 24 Mickle Elizabeth 7/12 F . Iowa Jan . Colera Infantum 1 day . 25 26 Concluded 27 Commencement of St Clair Township 28 Springer Thomas A 7/12 M . Iowa Aug . Congestion 12 days . 29 Wheeler R O 1 F . Iowa Oct . Dropsy 28 days . 30 Clemett A L 11/12 F . Pa May . Brain fever 8 days . 31 State of Iowa \ 32 Benton County / S.S. I Jacob S. Hunt Deputy Marshall for the Townships of Taylor 33 Benton Polk Harrison Cedar Canton Freemont Cue St.Clair Eden 34 Union & Big Grove in Benton County State of Iowa after being duly sworn 35 according to law do hereby certify and make oath that the above Returns are made according to the instructions Recived by me from Laurel Summers U.S. M. & according to the best of my knoweledge & belief Jacob S. Hunt Asst. Sworn to & Subscribed bef** this 17 Day of September 1860 John M Brown Justice of peace Total number of deaths 21 |
Enumerated by: Tobias Castor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PG LN LAST-NAME FIRST-NAME AGE SEX M/W BIRTH_PLACE MONTH OCCUPATION CAUSE-OF-DEATH #DAYS-ILL TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jackson Township 1 1 Finley Gilbert S. 3 M . Ohio Oct . Lung Fever 9 days . 2 Donald Mary 39 F . Penn Nov . Unknown 2 weeks . 3 Brolliar Ellen 15 F . Ohio June . Consumption 4 Weeks . 4 Brolliar Elias 1 M . Iowa Jan . Unknown 3 Weeks . 5 Johnson Amanda 3 F . Iowa Aug . Unknown 5 Weeks . 6 7 Concluded 8 Commencement of Bruce Township 9 Warner Milo 7/12 M . Iowa Oct . Dropsy 4 Weeks . 10 Williams James 18 M . Penn Oct . Unknown 10 days . 11 12 Concluded 13 Commencement of Monroe Township 14 Volgamore Manda 2 F . Iowa March . Lung fever 21 days . 15 Culp John E 6/12 M . Iowa Jan . Burnt by hot Embers 5 days . 16 17 Concluded 18 Commencement of Iowa Township 19 Greenly Infant 1/12 F . Iowa Dec . Unknown 1 day * The enumerator used two lines for each entry 20 Creh Helena 2 F . Iowa Jan . Inflamation of Bowels 3 Weeks in Iowa Township & connected the information 21 Wright Emaline 4 F . Iowa April . Lung Fever 3 Weeks with drawn lines. To eliminate confusion, 22 Nance Richard 62 M . NC April Farmer Unknown 1 Week I have transcribed each entry on one line. 23 Wonderly Rebecca 42 F . Penn May . Dropsy 15 months 24 25 Concluded 26 Commencement of Kane Township 27 Coats Sandford 1 M . Iowa Oct . Unknown 4 Weeks . 28 29 State of Iowa \ S.S. I Tobias Caster Depty Marshal for the Townships of 30 Benton County / Jackson Bruce Monroe Homer Kane & Iowa in Benton 31 County State of Iowa after being duly Sworn according 32 to law do hereby certify and make oath that the above returns are 33 made according to the instructions received by me from Laurel 34 Summer U.S. Marshal and according to the best of my knoweledge & belief Tobias Caster 35 Sworn to & Subscribed before me this 3 Day of September 1860 John M Brown Justice of peace Total number of deaths 16 |
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