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The 1878 History of Benton County, Iowa
A History of the County, its Cities, Towns, Etc.
Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878.

page 468

This village which lies partly in Iowa Township and partly in Tama County, is the third in age in Benton County; and prior to the building of the Chicago and Northwestern Road, was a place of considerable importance. But the engineer's transit is a potent influence on the growth of Western towns; and when a railstation was established three miles from Irving, its hopes were blasted away.

A man named Jackson died of sunstroke, July 7, 1859, near Irving. He was found prostrated in his wagon. The temperature for several days before and after this occurrence ranged from 92 degrees to 98 degrees in the shade.

The first class of Methodist Episcopal Church at Irving was formed in July, 1857, with the following members: Samuel Hulton, wife and mother, Mrs. Martin Smith and Mr. Smith's mother, Betsey Travis, Nancy Blair, Hattie Royce, E. Grubbs and wife.

The church was erected in 1864, J. G, Wilkinson then being Pastor, at a cost of $1,500, but was not dedicated until 1866, M. A. Barnes, Pastor.

The present official list is as follows: B. C. Barnes, Pastor; Jesses Roberts, Leader; H. B. Stoner, Jesse Roberts, Stewards; D. A. Collean, A. C. Boggess, J. Breckenridge, J. Benson, Dr. Powers, Trustees.

The society owns a parsonage, also, which cost $600. The number of members is forty two, and of probationers, nineteen. Austin Blair is Superintendent of the Sabbath School.

Restitution Church, a society of Adventists, was organized in 1872 or '73. Elder Myers is the present Paster. The society of has a building, which was erected in 1874, at a cost of $1,500. The membership is about sixty. The usual attendance at the Sabbath School is about a hundred.

Irving Lodge, No. 283, I.O.O.F., was organized in 1875. G. W. Burton is the present N. G.; Austin Blair, Secretary. The lodge has about thirty members, and meets on Friday evenings.

Irving Academy is the prominent feature of the place. J. A. Cravens, A. M., is the efficient Principal.

Transcribed, 1998, by Sue Soden.

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