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Vinton Football Toast Program
December 13, 1937

                    FOOTBALL TOAST PROGRAM
                     American Legion Hall
                 December 13, 1937 - 5:30 P.M.


Toastmaster..........................................F. V. Shoquist
Invocation.........................................Rev. Samuel Wall
Community Singing.........................directed by Clint R. Burk
  1. Iowa Corn Song
     2. School Days
        3. My Wild Irish Rose
           4. Let the Rest of World Go By
              5. Old Mill Stream

Vocal Selections.......................directed by Miss Van Arsdale
    Dick Hall, Mendell Lyness, Harold Blocher,
    Boby Bickel, Glenn Peterson, John Knupp, Logan Urice

Adress of Welcome.......................................John Tobin

Response.......................................Prin. Harald Jensen
                                                     Cable Waldorf

Presentation of Awards...............................Coach Cameron

Presentation of Speaker..........................Supt. O. F. Knapp

Address....................................Coach Irl Tubbs, S.U.I.

A Word from an Iowa Alumnus...................Judge L. J. Kirkland

                          DINNER MENU
   Rolled Pork Roast               Mashed Potatoes and Brown Gravy
       Perfection Salad                  Butter Wax Beans
                     Cranberry Relish
                   Buttered Rolls - Pie

1937                   THE FOOTBALL GANG                      1937
                Tri-Valley Conference Champions
Coach -- Fred E. Cameron           Assistant Coach -- Dale E. Etke
                 Manager -- Emil (Oley) Olson

1937                      LETTER MEN                          1937
Melbert Bieber    HB        270 min.        Sen                "V"
Lloyd Byam        T         217 min.        Sen                "V"
Ivan Davis        E         276 min.        Sen                "V"
Harold Greaser    T         211 min.        Jun                "V"
Marion Isabell    G         170 min.        Soph               "V"
Herbert Lynch     G         268 min.        Jun                "V"
James Narber      FB        182 min.        Soph               "V"
John Parry        QB        320 min.        Sen                "V"
Glenn Peterson    HB        292 min.        Sen                "V"
Robert Thompson   E         215 min.        Jun                "V"
Cable Waldorf     E         169 min.        Sen                "V"
Niel Waldorf      HB        170 min.        Soph               "V"
Marcel Worthen    C         225 min.        Sen                "V"

                      HONORABLE MENTION
Harold Blocher    E         103 min.        Soph
Robert Kline      T         118 min.        Jun
Charles Kline     T          58 min.        Soph
Frank Mayhew      HB        104 min.        Soph
Robert Powers     G          65 min.        Jun
Eugene Wagner     C         114 min.        Jun

                              MINOR "V"
Russell Brubaker                       John Hillestad
Karl Fischer                           Charles Kline
Robert Gardner                         Ivan Phillis
Dick Hall                              Robert Powers
Ralph Hite                             Ray Walker

                           RECORD OF GAMES
V--0  Traer---------12                  V--20 Iowa Train School-0
V--6  Marengo--------7                  V--7  Marion------------0
V--14 Manchester-----0                  V--39 Independence------6
V--0  Cedar Falls---20                  V--0  Belle Plaine------7


V--39 Independence---0                  V--0  East Waterloo----23
V--0  East Waterloo--6                  V--0  West Waterloo-----6
                  V--0  West Waterloo--6

                          FOOTBALL SQUAD
James Auld          Ralph Hite           Russell Parmater
Marshall Berry      John Hillestad       Glenn Petersen
Melbert Beiber      Marion Isabell       Ivan Phillis
Harold Blocker      Bob Kline            Robert Powers
Russell Brubaker    Charles Kline        Robert Thompson
Bill Britt          Bert Kellogg         Don Thompson
Lloyd Byam          Gordon Kunz          Ray Walker
Earl Byam           Lloyd Lane           Eugene Wagner
Glenn Davis         Herbert Lynch        Cable Waldorf
Ivan Davis          Frank Mayhew         Niel Waldorf
Karl Fischer        Jack Milroy          Marcel Worthen
Bob Gardner         James Narber         Robert Wilson
Harold Geaser       Ervin Parry          Bill Wright
Dick Hall           John Parry           Louis Yeakle

         Sports Record of Tri-Valley Conference

            Football        Basketball        Track
1932-33     Marion          Manchester        Marion
1933-34     Marion          Vinton            Vinton
1934-35     Vinton          Vinton            Vinton
1936-37     Vinton          Vinton            Vinton


Contributed by Susan Worthen
Transcribed by John Shuck

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