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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 757-759
MARKS HENRY ZORNIG, the most successful farmer, probably, of Benton county, was born January 22, 1843, at Holstein, Germany, and there received his education in the district schools. He is a son of Marks and Mary (Wesser) Zornig, and their only child. Marks Zornig, who was born in Germany, June 2, 1818, came to the United States in 1865, and located first in Scott county, Iowa; three years later he removed to Benton county, where he took up one hundred and sixty acres. He was a man of simple habit, industrious and enterprising, and met with success in his farming, acquiring a comfortable fortune. He died in Benton county, May 6, 1898, and was deeply mourned by all who knew him. Both he and his wife were educated in Germany, and were quiet, home-loving people.

Marks H. Zornig grew to manhood on his father's farm in his native country, and there acquired the habits of industry and thrift which have won for him success in life. In 1864 he emigrated to the United States, and worked on a farm in Scott county, Iowa. He appreciated the prospects and possibilities of a good farm in this region, and induced his parents to join him. When they came across they spent three years in Scott county, and one year (1868) in Cedar county. In 1871 Mr. Zornig joined with his father in the purchase, first, of one hundred and sixty acres of land in Benton county and here they met with such success that in 1880 they purchased three eighty-acre places, which they also found profitable, so that three years later they added one hundred and sixty acres more. In 1896 two hundred acres more were added, and Mr. Zornig now owns seven hundred and sixty acres all in Eldorado township, sections 21, 22, and 28. His work was carried on with such vigor and skill that he was able to retire in 1900, with a large assured income. Mr. Zornig made a specialty of raising, feeding and shipping Short-horn cattle, in which he came to handle quite an extensive business. He resides in Newhall, where he has erected the finest residence in the city, and rents his farm lands to good advantage.

Mr. Zornig is a self-made man, and proud of his achievements, as he has reason to be. He fully enjoys the fruits of his toil, and is a devoted husband and father. He is a director and stockholder in the Newhall Savings Bank, and takes great interest in local affairs. Politically he is a Democrat, and for six years held the office of township trustee. He belongs to the German Lutheran church, and though not active in church affairs, gives freely toward the cause of charity and worthy objects. He belongs to Scott Lodge No. 37, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Davenport which he joined in 1866.

October 21, 1871, Mr. Zornig married Anna, daughter of Fred and Catherina Haupt, of Benton county, who came from Holstein, Germany, in 1866; they were successful farmers, and are both now deceased. Mrs. Zornig was educated in Germany, and is a woman of fine character and natural gifts, being of a genial, pleasant disposition, which commends her to everyone she meets. The union has been blessed with five children, namely: Alvina, who married Fred Bobzien, a farmer of Benton county; Emma, wife of August Seeman, a farmer of Benton county: Fred, died in infancy; Adele, attended the academy at Vinton, Iowa, now lives at home; and Herman, who has recently removed to Schenectady, New York, to assume a position as electrical engineer. Herman Zornig, after graduating from high, school, attended the State Agricultural College, at Ames, Iowa, from which he graduated in 1909, with honor, and his future in his chosen field of labor is very promising. He has always been of a deep studious nature, and is also energetic and practical. He is a great lover of music, and is able to perform creditably on several instruments.

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