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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
The IAGenWeb Project

History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 648-651

CARL STRUVE, a successful and prominent stock farmer of Cedar township, was born January 13, 1854, in Rock Island county, Illinois, and left there when thirteen years of age to come to Benton county, Iowa, where he arrived May 1, 1867. He was reared on his father's farm, and received a common school education. He located on his present farm after his marriage, and has continued to carry it on ever since, with excellent success. He has made all modern improvements, and has planted shade trees which are now a valuable addition to the place.

Mr. Struve is an ambitious, enterprising man, and has made the most of his opportunities. He owns one hundred and forty acres in section 17 and forty acres in section 21, of Cedar township, all of which he carries on himself. He makes a specialty of Duroc Jersey hogs, Polled Angus stock and Norman horses. He has served district No. 9 as director and secretary of the school board, and in political views is a Republican, although he tries to vote for the best interests of the public, regardless of the party affiliations of the candidate. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Mount Auburn Lodge No. 244, of Mount Auburn. He is public spirited and useful as a citizen, and greatly esteemed by his neighbors.

Mr. Struve married, in 1883, Sophia, daughter of Christian Schlotfelt, and their children are: Laura May, Clad Henry, Rena, Maria and Ralph Christian, all living at home. Mr. and Mrs. Struve were reared in the Lutheran faith, but all of their children are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

Picture of Carl and Sophia Struve

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