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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 700-701
HENRY SCHROEDER, a successful farmer and stockraiser of Big Grove township, came to Benton county in the fall of 1870, from Holstein, Germany, where he was born January 29, 1857. He is a son of Frederick Schroeder, who died in 1901, at the age of seventy-one years. Frederick Schroeder came to Albany, New York, in 1858, and lived there some years; later he removed to Davenport, Iowa, and conducted an elevator there. In the fall of 1870 he removed to Benton county, and purchased two hundred acres of land in Big Grove township. He brought his wife and three children from Germany with him, and two more children were born in the United States. His wife was Annie Seevis, a native of Germany. At the time they located in Benton county they were possessed of only about one thousand dollars, but through industry and thrift they accumulated a competence, and Mr. Schroeder retired to live in comfort and leisure. At first they had to endure the hardships and privations incident of pioneer life, but as they were able made improvements and secured conveniences. They were members of the Lutheran church. Frederick Schroeder and his wife had children as follows: Henry; John, living in South Dakota; Peter, who has traveled extensively through the United states; Margaret, wife of Jacob H. Rupp, of lola, Kansas; and Mary, wife of Andrew Holt, residing at Kansas City, Missouri.

Henry Schroeder was reared principally in Iowa, and when old enough assisted with the work of the farm; he now owns the old homestead, which he carries on with good profit. He keeps the buildings and fences in good repair, and takes pride in the fine condition of his possessions. Politically Mr. Schroeder is a Republican and he has served in school and other local offices. He and his wife are of the Lutheran faith.

Mr. Schroeder married, January 4, 1882, Hettie, daughter of Jacob and Johanna (Herggezell) Kuaack, who came to Benton county in the fall of 1870, locating in Big Grove township. Jacob Kuaack was from. Hamburg, Germany, and came to America in 1866, locating at once in Davenport, Iowa. He died at Van Horne, Iowa, May 22, 1907, in his eighty-fourth year, and his widow, born July 11, 1823, still resides at Van Home, having reached the age of eighty-six. They had eight children, namely: Mrs. Emma Fintel, of Garrison; Mrs. Laura Lieb, of Perry, Iowa; Herman, living near Vinton; Mrs. Amelia Illian, of Tracy, Minnesota; Mrs. Schroeder; Edward, of Edna, Missouri; Mrs. Jennie Stoecker, of Van Home; and John Kuaack, living at Van Home.

Mr. Schroeder and his wife have three children, namely: Agnes, who is the wife of S. P. Gatley, of Van Home, and has two children, Muriel and Paul; George, who married Gertrude, daughter of Conrad Kirkman, an old resident of Benton county, and has two children, Vernon and Viola; and Clara Laura, living at home. One child, Clara, died in 1885, at the age of two years. George operates part of his father's farm.

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