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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 605-606

NICHOLAS SCHNOOR, living in Mount Auburn, retired from active life, was born in Holstein, Germany, July 7, 1840. He emigrated to the United States and located in Rock Island county, Illinois, in 1855. He remained there until 1867 and then located in Benton county, Iowa. He is a son of James and Cecilia (Schwartz) Schnoor, the former born in Germany, in 1808. James Schnoor, a farmer and laboring man in Germany, was reared in his native country, and in 1855 came to the United States. He was married in 1834, and had children as follows: Katrina, deceased, wife of Herr Gersten Korn, of Germany; Margaret, deceased, married in Davenport, Iowa, to Carl Burmeister; and Nicholas. They owned land in Illinois, and in 1867 sold this and located in Benton county. Mrs. Schnoor died in the spring of 1855, in Germany, and after coming to Benton county James Schnoor lived with his son until his death in 1876.

Nicholas Schnoor came with his father to Illinois in 1855, a half brother, Paul Gottsche, having preceded him, and became owner of some land in that state. In 1866 he sold his interests in Illinois and came to Benton county. He bought one hundred and sixty acres in Cedar township, consisting of raw prairie, and moved on to the farm, making all possible improvements. He added eighty acres, sold a part of his holdings, and finally became owner of two hundred and forty acres in section 28. He remained on this farm until 1888 and then located in Mount Auburn, where for some time he conducted a meat market. He served four years as postmaster, and has been engaged in various lines of business such as creamery, insurance, etc. He is a Democrat and has served in various school and township offices; he is now justice of the peace. He is a member of the Lutheran church, and also of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Schnoor is a prominent citizen of Mount Auburn, and has been successful in a business way through his energy and thrift. He takes an active interest in public affairs.

In 1862 Mr. Schnoor married Bertha Stoltenberg, who came from Germany in 1860, and they had children as follows: George W., on the farm in Cedar township; Annie, who died in infancy; Charles, living on a farm in 0 'Brien county, Iowa, for nine years a railroad agent; Annie, wife of Herman Rung, of Moline, Illinois; John, a commercial traveler, living at Wichita, Kansas; Rebecca, wife of E. E. Louis, of Glendive, Montana; Edward, living in Wichita, Kansas; William who died at the age of eighteen years, shot in March, 1897; Philip, a railroad employe, living at Wellington, Kansas; and Cecilia, of Glendive, Montana. Mrs. Schnoor died February 15, 1886, and Mr. Schnoor married (second) September 22, 1888, Mary Hauberg, nee Messer, daughter of Rymer and Telsia (Herman) Messer; Mrs. Messer died in Germany and her husband came to the United States and settled at Rock Island, county, Illinois. By his second marriage Mr. Schnoor had two children. Clarence, employed in a store in Algona, Iowa, was drowned August, 1909, at the age of eighteen, and Stella, lives at home. By her previous marriage Mrs. Schnoor had eight children, four of whom survive; they were: John, of Glendive, Montana; Margaret; George; Minnie; and Maud (all deceased); Herman, of Algona, Iowa; Lou, government land detective in Montana; and George, studying medicine in Chicago in the Northwestern Medical College.

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