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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 538-541

JOHN SCHILD  — The late John Schild, who was one of the honored residents of Benton county, was a native of Germany. He was born October 1, 1835, in Detmold, Lippe, and in 1845, when he was ten years of age, he was brought by his parents to America. They settled near Freeport, Illinois, where they remained seven years, at the end of which time a desire for a home further west brought them to Iowa, They made the journey across the country with ox teams, Benton county their objective point, and here on section 5, Iowa township, John Schild, Sr., the father of the subject of this sketch, entered one hundred and sixty acres of land. On this place, which he assisted his father in improving and cultivation, John Schild, Jr. grew to manhood. He received eighty acres of land from his father and in time owned five hundred and twenty acres which he developed into a fine farm and on which he erected a modern home and other substantial buildings. In the early days he was one of a party of men who erected the first log house on the present site of Belle Plaine. At that time Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and Muscatine were the nearest market points.

Here in this pioneer settlement he met and married Miss Dorothy Body, who was a native of the town in which he was born, the date of her birth being September 15, 1835. To John Schild and his wife were given ten children, eight of whom are now living. In the rearing of their large family, they experienced many of the privations incident to life in a newly settled district. These various difficulties, however, they bravely met and surmounted, and in time well earned success was theirs. Here Mr. Schild died January 18, 1909, and in his death the community sustained the loss of a worthy and honored citizen. He was a member of the Evangelical church, and, politically, was an Independent. His widow is still living on the home farm, which her son, Henry J., conducts. Henry J. Schild was born February 28, 1863, on the farm where he now lives. He has one hundred and twenty acres in his own name, which he has farmed for fifteen years, and for a number of years has also had charge of the home place, his modern methods and successful handling of the farm being evidenced by its general appearance of thrift. Politically, Mr. Schild is a Republican.

Picture of John and Dorothy Schild

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