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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 723-724
LIEUTENANT GUY KELLOGG, a bright and progressive young lawyer, with many warm friends in Benton county, was a victim of the Spanish-American war, dying of typhoid fever at Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Florida, on the 21st of August, 1898. He was born near Vinton, May 7, 1875, son of George and Helen (Baird) Kellogg, who are both respected residents of that place. The father is a retired farmer, one of the most substantial citizens of the community.

After graduating from Tilford Academy, Lieutenant Kellogg studied law with Senator W. P. Whipple, and was admitted to the bar in May, 1896, when a few days past his majority. He was first employed in the office of Gilchrist and Whipple, and in December following the commencement of his practice married Miss Cora J. Whipple, daughter of Cyrenius T. and Nancy J. (Cline) Whipple—fitting biographies of whom appear in other pages of this history.

At the out-break of the Spanish-American war, Mr. Kellogg had just been promoted to a first lieutenancy in the Iowa National Guard, with which he had been identified since October 26, 1891. He became a corporal August 9, 1892; sergeant, September 19th of that year; first sergeant in May, 1897; second lieutenant, March 14, 1898, and first lieutenant on the following 12th of May. His regiment was incorporated into the military service of the Spanish-American war as the Forty-ninth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, but while in camp at Jacksonville he was prostrated by typhoid fever, and his death was the first fatality suffered by the command. At the time of his death Lieutenant Kellogg was acting as judge advocate of general court martial for the Second Division, Seventh Army Corps. Ever since his enlistment in the National Guard of Iowa he had taken an active part in its affairs, and no minor officer was more popular or highly honored. For three weeks previous to the call toward the active field of hostilities he had been stationed at Waterloo, Iowa, as recruiting officer for the second Iowa battalion, and his strenuous and incessant labors there are thought to have so exhausted and weakened his system as to make him an easy victim for the disease which brought low his ambitious, useful and upright life. His faithful young wife and sorrowing widow now resides with her aged mother, who since the death of her daughter's husband has herself been called to mourn the passing of one who walked by her side for four and forty years.

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