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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 841-842
JOHN W. HANNA, a prominent and enterprising farmer of Big Grove township, Benton county, was born on the farm he now owns, which is known as the "Grandview Farm and Dairy," August 29, 1857. He is a son of Alexander H. Hanna, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. John W. Hanna was reared in his native township, and attended the public schools; he also took a course at Tilford Academy and attended Cornell College, of Mount Vernon, Iowa, one year. Since leaving college he has devoted his time and energy to farming, stock-raising and breeding. He owns a half-section of well improved land, and has a fine herd of Short-horn cattle, of which he has been a breeder during the past twenty-five years, being formerly associated with his father in this enterprise. He erected his present fine home several years since, and has modern comforts and conveniences.

Mr. Hanna was one of the organizers and has served as president since the organization of the Farmers' Savings Bank, of Garrison. He is also a stockholder in other banks as well as other lines of business, including the Farmers' Grain & Lumber Company of Garrison. He is considered one of the substantial business men of Benton county, and as a public-spirited, patriotic citizen. Politically Mr. Hanna is a Republican, and he has filled several local offices. He is an elder in the Presbyterian church at Garrison. Mr. Hanna is supposedly the longest continuous resident of Big Grove township.

Mr. Hanna married Rosella, daughter of Samuel Ward. Mr. Ward, an early resident of Benton county, is now deceased; his widow survives him. Mr. Hanna and his wife have three children, namely: Edna, wife of C. J. Harwood, a banker of Greeley, Nebraska; and Leola and Leland, both at home.
Picture of John W. Hanna

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