MRS. IDA M. (KRAMHOFT) GRAVENHORST, who was born in Germany, January 11, 1850, was brought by her parents to the United States in 1852, and settled in Rock Island county, Illinois, as a child. She is a daughter of C. and Ida (Moose) Kramhoft. The father was born in Germany in 1805, and reared in his native country where he became a farmer. He married in 1835, and seventeen years later came to the United States. After spending some time in Rock Island county, Illinois, he spent two years in Nebraska, and then located in Benton county, Iowa, whence his daughter had preceded him. His wife had died on the journey to this county, and he lived with his daughter until his death, December 24, 1888. His children were: Ida M. and Christina, the latter deceased.
Ida M. Kramhoft was married, in Rock Island county, Illinois, October 14, 1864, to Joseph Gravenhorst, from whom she has now separated. She came to Benton county in 1875 and located on the farm which her father afterwards purchased. The land was wild and unimproved at the time they began to cultivate it, and it is largely due to the efforts of Mrs. Gravenhorst that it has been brought to its present excellent condition. There are now fine barns and outbuildings, a comfortable house and many comforts of modern life. She is a woman of intelligence and judgment, and has made the most of the natural advantages of the farm. She owns two hundred and thirty acres in sections 30 and 31 in Cedar township.
Mrs. Gravenhorst had three children, namely: Annie, wife of Jerry Frahm, of Bruce township, Benton county; Louisa, wife of John Sanny, of Plymouth county, Iowa; and Frank C., who lives with his mother. Frank Gravenhorst married Lizzie, daughter of Conrad and Katrina (Bahr) Fehr; her parents were born in Germany, and came to the United States in 1893. He has three children, as follows: Ida C., born December 1, 1899; Alice A. M., born January 27, 1902; and Kermit J. C., born September 17, 1907. Mr. Gravenhorst is an enterprising, industrious farmer, and in politics is a Republican. He is actively interested n public affairs, and stands well in the community.
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