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Benton County, IAGenWeb Project
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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Pages 731-732
J[oseph]. H. FRY, who in partnership with his son operates his well improved farm of three hundred and twenty-five acres in sections 25 and 36, of Taylor township, was born in Canton township, Benton county, April 20, 1856. He is a son of William and Anna (Lane) Fry; the father still lives in Canton township, and is seventy-six years of age; his wife died some nine years since, at the age of sixty-six. William Fry is a native of Blair county, Pennsylvania, and came to Benton county with a party in 1850; he secured forty acres of timber and forty of prairie land in Canton township, to which he added as he was able, and now owns a half-section. During his sixtieth year he retired from active work and lived in Vinton some years, but later returned to the farm. He and his wife joined the United Brethren church. She was born near Indianapolis and came to Benton county with her parents soon after Mr. Fry. She was a daughter of Isaac Lane and his wife, who lived on a farm in Canton township until their deaths.

William Fry and his wife became parents of six children, all of whom survive, namely: May (Mrs. Burnham), living in Kansas; J. H.; G. W., of Vinton; W. E., of Benton township; Grant, living on the old home farm in Canton township; and John, also living on the home farm, which he helps to operate.

J. H. Fry was reared on a farm and received his education in the public schools. He has since successfully followed farming and stock-raising, and handles fine cattle, hogs and Percheron horses. He lived on his farm until about three years ago when he moved to Vinton and erected the handsome residence on South Main street, which is now his home. He is president of the Eden Fire Insurance Company, and a keen man of business. Politically Mr. Fry is a Republican, and he has served as township trustee twelve years. He and his family, while residents of Taylor township, were members of the United Brethren church there, but since coming to Vinton have united with the Methodist Episcopal church.

Mr. Fry married, in Benton county, Maggie Stevenson, a native of Ohio, who was reared chiefly in Benton county; her father died when she was a child, and her mother spent her declining years in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Fry have three children, namely: W. C., married and in the furniture business in Vinton; Charles, operating the home farm, in partnership with his father, also married; and Ethel, living at home. Ethel attended Tilford Academy and took a special course in music, and is now a teacher in the Benton county schools.

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