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History of Benton County, Iowa
The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1910; Luther B. Hill, Ed.

Page 893-894

HENRY DAVIS, deceased, for many years figured as one of the prominent farmers and leading citizens of Benton county, Iowa. He was born in Baden, Germany, December 1, 1837, and died on his farm in Benton county, August 25, 1892. With his parents, Jacob and Mary Ann Davis, natives of Germany, he came to this country, in 1853, and settled at Marion, Lynn county, Iowa. There the father engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1882. The mother died in 1880. Henry had received a common school education in Germany, and was sixteen years old at the time the family came to America. He grew to manhood on his father's farm, where he early became familiar with the methods employed in farming in this country, and for two years after his marriage he farmed in Linn county. Then, in 1863, believing he could better his condition by removal to Benton county, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land here and established his home on it. Here, in the course of twenty years, he was able to increase his holdings to a tract of six hundred acres, nearly all of which he brought under cultivation, and which he improved with good buildings, fences, etc.

In 1861, Mr. Davis married Miss Louisa Baker, daughter of Matthew and Louisa Baker, who, like himself, was a native of Germany. She was born in Prussia, February 27, 1838, and came to this country in 1858. Their union was blessed in the birth of six children, namely: Henry, a farmer of Benton county; Mary, wife of John Wickman of Benton county; Lena, wife of Louis Deklotz of Newhall, Iowa; Bertha, wife of William Means of Vinton; Louisa, wife of J. T. Smith of Norway, Iowa; and Elizabeth, wife of F. Lucas of Ontario, California.

When hardly passed the prime of his useful career, Mr. Davis suffered a stroke of paralysis, and died soon afterward, August 25, 1892, as above stated. His widow continued to reside on the farm until 1900, when he sold it and moved to Norway, where she has since lived.

Personally, Mr. Davis was a man of great activity and perseverance. He was well posted and broad-minded and he believed in education. Indeed, his greatest pleasure in life was to afford his children good educational advantages and provide for their comfort. Politically, he was a Democrat. For a number of years he filled the offices of justice of the peace and township trustee, and as such was in close touch with local doings, his opinion and advice always carrying weight with them. Religiously he was a Catholic, earnest and devout, and he gave liberally of his means to the support of the church. Such, in brief, is a sketch of the life of one of Benton county's good men.

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