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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

WILLIAM PERRY WHIPPLE, attorney at law, Vinton, Iowa, is a native of Benton County, born near Vinton, Dec. 26, 1865. He is the son of Cyrenius T. and Nancy (Cline) Whipple. He attended the common schools of the neighborhood where he lived, the High School of Vinton, and in 1873 entered the Literary Department of the State University, at Iowa City, from which institute he graduated in June, 1877. He then entered the Law Department of the same school, from which he graduated in June, 1878. Soon after graduating he came to Vinton and formed a partnership with E. L. King, a graduate of the Agricultural College at Ames, under the firm name of King & Whipple, the partnership continuing but a short time, when Mr. King retired. In the spring of 1879 Mr. Whipple was elected City Solicitor, which office he stills holds. In November 1883, he formed a partnership with Horace E. Warner, a graduate of Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Mr. Warner is a man of great literary ability, a frequent contributor to the Century Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly and other publications. He has retired from the firm and Mr. Whipple continues the business alone.

Mr. Whipple was married, Sept. 7, 1881, to Miss Catherine D. Joyce, born near Mt. Auburn, Benton County, July 28, 1858, a daughter of Patrick and Mary Joyce; the former deceased. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Whipple were born two sons— Cyrenius J., born Oct. 1, 1882, and Robert M., born March 13, 1884. Mrs. Whipple died April 14, 1886. She was a graduate of St. Mary's Academy at Notre Dame, Ind., and three years previous to her marriage she was Assistant Principal of the Vinton High Schools. Mr. Whipple is a member of the Vinton Lodge, No. 83, I. O. O. F.

In politics Mr. Whipple is a Republican. He is a strong advocate of the temperance cause, and in a legal way has done much to advance its interests. He is a fluent speaker and stands well at the bar of Benton County.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 261-262.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on February 20th, 2008. Copyright © 2008 The IAGenWeb Project.

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