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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

JOSEPH WALTER, farmer and stock-raiser, resides on section 18, Taylor Township. He is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Bedford County, Dec. 2, 1842, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Morse) Walter, also natives of the above-named State. James Walter was a farmer by occupation, and reared his son to the same calling, which he has maintained up to the present time. The father died in Pennsylvania July 15, 1856. Joseph emigrated to Ogle County, Ill., in 1864, where he remained about six years, and then moved to Lee County, whence he came to this State in the fall of 1879, locating on section 18, Taylor Township, this county, and bought eighty acres of land where he at present resides. His mother makes her home with him, and is seventy-five years of age, and is still enjoying the blessings of good health.

Joseph Walter and Mary Hiteman, daughter of Napoleon and Nancy (Fry) Hiteman, were united in marriage, Feb. 20, 1869. Her father is a native of Germany and her mother of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter are the parents of five children — Irvin, born Sept. 28, 1871; Irena, April 7, 1873; Florence E., Nov. 17, 1876; Albert N., Jan. 14, 1879; Anna, Nov. 27, 1880. A young niece of Mr. Walter's, by name Myrtle, daughter of a brother, born Oct. 30, 1879, is living with the family.

Notwithstanding Mr. Walter has been in this county but a few years, he has, by industry and integrity, coupled with a determination to succeed, made a fair start in life. He deals in high-grade Short-horn cattle and graded Jersey hogs. Mr. Walter and his son Irvin are members of the Baptist Church.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 283 & repeated on p. 294.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on February 10th, 2009.  Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.

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