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Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa
Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887

JOHN C. MILLER, one of the pioneers of Benton County, now residing at Vinton, was born in Huntingdon County, Pa., on the 15th day of March, 1805. He is the son of John and Mary (Cesinger) Miller, his father being born near Chambersburg, and his mother in Lancaster County, Pa. They settled in Huntingdon County, where eight children were born to them, all of whom lived to maturity — Polly, Elizabeth, Martha, John C., Millie, Catherine, Samuel and Peter. John C. is the only surviving son. About 1835 the family moved to Franklin County, Ohio, crossing the Alleghany Mountains on horseback and in wagons. His father died about 1848 and his mother in 1823.

John C. Miller, of whom we write, was married in Huntingdon County, Pa., to Margaret McKinstry, of Mifflin County, Pa. By this union there were eleven children — Gilbert L., McKinstry, Emma, Jane, Maria, Ross, Hoover, Thomas, Juliet, John F. and Margaret. There are five of the number now living — Ross, in Greene County, Iowa; Hoover, in Harrison County, Iowa; Elizabeth, wife of Charles McGee, of Davenport; Juliet, wife of Alexander Moody, of Davenport, and John, in Harrison County. The family moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1835, and in 1843 to Scott County, Iowa. At that time Davenport was but a small village, a county-seat war raging between that place and Rockingham. Mr. Miller first located in Davenport, and subsequently moved into the county about fifteen miles, in Davenport Township, where he engaged in farming. In 1873 he came to Vinton, where he has since lived a retired life. Mr. Miller's present wife was Mrs. Mary White, widow of Alfred White. Mrs. Miller had four children by her former marriage — Charles, Mary H., John and Gillman.

Mr. Miller is one of the pioneers of the State, locating here before its admission into the Union. He has always been a hard-working man, and has done much to upbuild the various interests of the county, and by industry and economy has accumulated a large property.

Source Citation: "1887 Benton County, Iowa Biographies"  [database online]  Benton County IAGenWeb Project. <>
Original data: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Benton County, Iowa." Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887, p. 245-246.
Transcribed by: Sue Soden. Submitted to the Benton County IAGenWeb Project on January 28th, 2009.  Copyright © 2009 The IAGenWeb Project.

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